Ad PlatformSurvey Exit

Choose Your Fighter: Comparing Survey Exit With Other Top Formats [Case Studies Inside!]

survey exit push onclick

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A quick reminder — our new stellar ad format with the top premium traffic — Survey Exit — is already at your PropellerAds account!

It means you can get the highest conversion rates ever — thanks to how Survey Exit works. In short: this format targets only the users who filled in Giveaway, Social, or Finance surveys and became more than ready for your offer.

Still not sure if Survey Exit is worth trying? Let’s do it simply, then: compare the formats you already know — Push ads and Onclick / Popunder ads —  with Survey Exit ads and see who’s the winner.

Case Studies: What Performs Better — Survey Exit, Onclick, or Push?

To show you how you can effectively embed Survey Exit in your media buying strategy, we picked two very vivid case studies to compare the formats directly.

survey exit new ad format

Without further ado, let’s look at them!

Case Study 1: Onclick and Survey Exit Comparison

This advertiser launched two iGaming campaigns with the same landing page — so the comparative stats are extremely accurate. The Onclick one had only Direct Click targeting — a part of Onclick, which is a selection of top-performing zones.

which offers to run

Such campaigns can generate fewer impressions than the ones including full Onclick traffic but result in a bigger CR.

Here is some basic information about the campaigns:

Both Onclick and Survey Exit don’t require any creatives — so our partner simply added his target URL leading to his landing page. 

CPA goal - push - onclick

And here are the results after 12 days of running traffic:

CampaignImpressionsConversionsCRCPA Goal
iGaming – Onclick12,557910,72%1.61
iGaming – Survey Exit30,5184251,39%1.48

Results: Direct Click brought 91 conversions and strictly met the desired CPA goal. Meanwhile, Survey Exit exceeded expectations: performed with a cheaper CPA and brought 4 times more conversions.

Case Study 2: Push Notifications and Survey Exit Comparison

This partner ran an iGaming offer, too  — and also created two campaigns. One was the Survey Exit, and another was Push Notifications — only classic Push, without the In-Page Push ads option.

Push_Notifications direct line banner
  • Offer: iGaming
  • GEO: Brazil
  • Period: May 10 —  May 13, 2023
  • Bidding: CPA Goal
  • Desired CPA: $4.0

The first advantage of Survey Exit became clear right away: our partner didn’t need to make any creatives. And what were the results?

CampaignClicksConversionsCRCPA Goal
iGaming – Push 9,524410,43%4.03
iGaming – Survey Exit4, 4061002,26%2.02

Results: Like in the previous case, both formats met the CPA goal. However, Survey Exit brought almost 2,5 times more conversions than classic Push — with a twice lower lead price.

Survey Exit vs. Onclick vs. Push Notifications: Formats Comparison

As you see, Survey Exit is an unbeatable winner when used with the best compatible verticals and bidding models. And what are the other differences between these three top PropellerAds formats?

how survey exit boosts performance

We prepared comparative infographics to make them as vivid as possible.


And here are the main takeaways from what we collected:

  • Survey Exit provides you with very precise targeting of the hottest audience ready to convert: users that completed surveys. Just like with Onclick, you don’t need to use any extra creatives and can go with your target URL, which leads to your pre-lander, landing page, app, or website.
  • One of the top Survey Exit features is the interest pre-engagement: you can select Survey types to narrow down your targeting and gather the most relevant audience ever. This is why it’s the best pick for offers with hybrid flows, where you want a user to be engaged enough to take several actions.
  • It’s possible to add extra demographic targeting for Survey Exit and PropellerAds audiences targeting for Push Notifications — and also work with your own audiences, which is available for all three formats.
  • Survey Exit is a VERY fresh format — but it already generates about 100k conversions on average per day with performance-based price models. It brings you a very active and engaged audience, but if your main focus is big traffic volumes first, you should rely on Push or Onclick, using Survey Exit for scaling

To sum up: Survey Exit is the top pick all offers that require hybrid flows and a very warmed-up and engaged user. With no creatives and overall very simple settings, it can be a great addition to other formats and have a better conversion rate.

And a quick reminder: it’s already available for all PropellerAds partners — so try it right away!


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