Ad PlatformSurvey Exit

Best Offers and Verticals for the Survey Exit Ad Format [+Case Studies]

which offers to run

Have you already heard of Survey Exit ads? No way you didn’t! 

This brand-new exclusive ad format incredibly boosts your conversion rates. It happens because Survey Exit brings you top premium users: the most engaged, the most interested in your offer, and the readiest to convert.

Look at just one of the hundreds of examples: How Survey Exit Boosts Performance 

How is this possible? The point is that Survey Exit was designed to target a very special category of users. These are people who filled out a survey on Finance, Giveaway, Social, and other topics and saw your offer on a similar topic immediately after. 

A very simple example: a user took a Finance survey, got warmed up while answering its questions, and was redirected to your Finance offer right after the survey was over. 

The big question is: does your offer need to match the survey topic? We’ll answer it right away: no, it doesn’t. There is a range of verticals that perfectly work with Survey Exit, even without precise targeting by survey type.

To show you these verticals, we analyzed hundreds of Survey Exit campaigns from different verticals and GEOs — and are ready to show you how the new format performs with different offer types.

Survey Topics and Your Offers: How They Match?

The key to finding the right offer for Survey Exit lies in the format’s design. Let’s see how it works:

  • A user fills out a survey — for example, some survey on a Finance topic.
  • Every survey step gets a user more and more involved. By the end of the survey, they are warmed up and ready to interact with the offer.
  • The survey is over, a user submits the results — and is instantly redirected to your offer. The chance of conversion is now bigger than ever!
survey exit new ad format

And here is the most exciting part of this flow: users coming with the Survey Exit format can willingly convert even if your offer has a different topic from the survey. For example, Finance survey participants are usually interested in Giveaway offers. Thus, it doesn’t always mean that an offer vertical must fully coincide with the survey theme. 

As a user is taking a survey on a particular topic, the Survey Exit smart system matches them with the most relevant offer depending on the survey theme.

If you want to make the targeting more precise, you can select particular survey topics when setting your campaign:


However, you can strive for great results even without these extra settings — and boost your reach if you don’t target a particular survey type.

Top Verticals That Work Best With Survey Exit

So, you don’t need to match a survey type targeting with your offer vertical that precisely. To show you how it works, we prepared a list of the best verticals for Survey Exit and three case studies with them.

In a nutshell, Survey Exit brings you users with the maximum possible CR— so it makes sense to use it for offers with complicated or hybrid flows, requiring a high level of involvement from a user’s side.

These verticals and flows are the following:

– Media — traffic for YouTube videos, websites, articles

Flows and bidding models:
-CPA Goal — for lead generation with Cost-per-Lead and Cost-per-Install offers
-SmartCPC — for testing and brand awareness
-CPC — for scaling campaigns
smart cpc for push and in-page push

How Survey Exit Works With Different Offers: Case Studies

Now it’s time to see Survey Exit in action for various verticals — so here are real case studies from our partners.

Case Study 1: Social Offer + Social and Giveaway Survey Types

Social offer, GEO: Asia

Survey TypeImpressionsConversionsConversion Rate
Social Survey26951776812.85%
Giveaway Survey628546911.10%

Takeaway: Yes, we see that precise targeting made sense in this case. The Social survey did bring the best results with the Social offer. However, another similar vertical — Giveaway — generated a good number of impressions, too. So, if you want to get the maximum reach, don’t limit yourself to a single survey topic — Survey Exit audience perfectly converts on different verticals.

Case Study 2: iGaming Offer + Finance and Giveaway Survey Types

iGaming offer, GEO: Africa

Survey TypeImpressionsConversionsConversion Rate
Finance Survey23610161042.6%
Giveaway Survey8007115211.9%

Takeaway: Your offer topic can differ from the particular survey theme but still engage users enough to convert. In this case, we see that users are interested in iGaming conversions after surveys on Finance and Giveaway topics. In fact, it’s great proof of how these three verticals are connected from the user engagement point of view.

Propellerads - affiliate marketing in Africa

Case Study 3: Giveaway Offer + Finance and Giveaway Survey Types

Giveaway offer, GEO: LATAM

Survey TypeImpressionsConversionsConversion Rate
Finance Survey18233176944.22%
Giveaway Survey7512718782.50%

Takeaway: Sometimes, your vertical coincides with a survey type, but a different survey theme works out even better. See how a Finance survey brought almost 2 times more conversions than a Giveaway one?


To Sum Up

So what did we learn? The main point is —

Don’t be afraid to test various offers with different survey types. All verticals that we mentioned here can work similarly great — no matter what the survey theme is. 

Ready to try this magic out?  Then you are welcome —

And don’t forget to share your experience in our Telegram Chat!


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