Ad PlatformInterstitial Ads

Interstitial Ads in 2024: Extensive FAQ for Beginners

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Today we are going to reveal the key facts about Interstitial ads – an efficient format for maximal audience engagement. Have you already used it for your campaigns? 

Well, if not, we bet that this FAQ will encourage you to experiment – Interstitials have an astonishing potential for your campaigns. Read this post and see it yourself!

This article was initially published in November 2021, but it was updated in November 2023, due to accuracy reasons.

Interstitial Ads Meaning: What Are They?

Interstitial ads are non full-screen banners overlaying content. While your visitors browse through the content, the ad appears. Their main peculiarity is the size – as a rule, Interstitials are large enough to cover about 80% of the screen. So they are impossible to overlook. 

If the user is not very interested in your offer, he has an opportunity to close the ad clicking the X button. In the opposite case, he clicks the button and moves right to the landing page. 

Comparing Interstitials performance with other formats, we can name native ads as the most similar ones. 


Best Performing Verticals for Interstitial Traffic

You can advertise everything with Interstitial advertising, just make sure that you follow some rules. For instance, our platform insists that you avoid using adult content, branded images, low-quality images/text, violence, “scary” offers, etc. 

Please make sure to read these rules for creatives before starting your campaign. 

And from our experience, the best verticals for Interstitials are: 

Which Frequency Is Optimal for Interstitial Advertising?

By default, we suggest that you set a 1/8 frequency rate for an Interstitial advert. However, if you want to show your ad to unique visitors only, we recommend setting a 1/336  frequency rate. 


Should I Use More Than One Image for My Interstitial Ads?

Depending on users’ browsers and devices, images can look different. For that reason, we recommend you use two images – an icon and a banner (the recommended resolution is 256×256 and 900×600, accordingly).

These two images will appear on the screen simultaneously, so take care of adding both – avoid leaving blank space on your creatives.

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Which Is the Lowest Bid for Interstitial Ads? 

The lowest bid for interstitial traffic is $0.001 (for a CPC model). 

What Are the Interstitial Banner Templates, and Why Should I Use Them?

At PropellerAds, we have six Interstitial banner templates: 


And if you want an Interstitial ad example for each template presented, you will find them all below. Almost all the templates have some additional CTR-boosting elements. The Classic template is a standard one that includes customizable parts like image and offer title.


Another example is a Prize template. This one has some unique features like the animation in the background (falling objects, like gift boxes or anything else you would like to upload, even a raccoon), a native look, and a partly-customizable description. This one is widely used for Sweepstakes offers and shows a striking CTR.


Image is a template with two options: Portrait and Landscape. Simple and catchy, Image allows you to use a large picture (either horizontal or vertical) as a banner, which will definitely make your CTR skyrocket: 


The Landing template doesn’t require any creatives. Instead, you just insert the URL of your landing page, and a creative will be generated automatically by our system.  

Animated Message is similar to Prize, and they do have much in common. Still, Animated Message has more customization options. First, you can add two images – icon (static) and landscape (animation).

Second, not only can you customize title and description, but also the Button text. Here:

As for the Message template, it is similar to Animated Message, but, as you might have guessed, it’s static. Add an image, write a title and description, and customize the Button text.


Templates have a great potential to increase your CTR and conversion rate due to attention-grabbing elements, like catchy animation and native messages.

Which Platform Should I Choose for Interstitial Advertising?

Our recent findings show that the average CTR for Interstitial ads depends on the platform you choose. Interstitial ads in Android show 4-5% CTR, while desktop (web) Interstitial usually has about 3%.

Which GEOs Are the Most Suitable for Interstitial Ads?

According to our stats, this year, Indonesia, Malaysia, the US, Brazil, the Philippines, and South Africa show the best results for Interstitials. These countries can boast of an emerging market – not so stuffed yet, but already lively. They are equally great for beginners and experienced advertisers.

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Pro tip: Almost all the verticals perform great for these countries, but mostly – Giveaways, Games, and Utilities. We also recommend targeting Android mobile users and paying special attention to sports events as the sappy periods for ad campaigns.

Which Traffic Types Work Best for Interstitial Advertising?

Mobile Interstitial ads and Interstitial display ads are both efficient. Ads take the entire screen when displayed on smartphones. The ad is usually surrounded by margins, where the Close button is located.

As for the desktop, Interstitials usually take about 80% of the screen. The size can vary a bit, regarding the requirements of a publisher. The desktop ad size can be regulated in the zone settings section.   

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Well, we guess you know everything about Interstitials now. The only thing left is to try them in real practice! Good luck!

And if you want to discuss Interstitials campaigns and other affiliate marketing topics, don’t forget to join our Telegram chat!


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