Ad PlatformInterstitial Ads

Boost Your CTR With New Interstitial Templates [Real Case Studies Inside]

animated message template

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What do you know about Interstitial ads? Highly clickable, visible, not breaking user’s natural engagement flow  — and coming with ready templates at the PropellerAds self-service platform.

It seemed impossible to make them even greater — but nothing is impossible for us, especially for a multisource advertising platform.

Meet Message and Animated Message — two brand new Interstitial templates, ready to go and already waiting for you on the SSP (self-service platform). In a couple of minutes, you can make a super-clickable creative with higher conversion rates than ever before.

Besides, we are removing Blur, Blur Dark и Light templates from the SSP — but this will only help your Interstitial campaigns profit more. Read on to find out why!

What is an Animated Message?

A picture is worth a thousand words, so we’ll just show it to you first:

It might remind you of another template we introduced a couple of years ago: a Prize Interstitial template. 

Here we described all the other Interstitial templates

And yes, they look really similar, but Animated Message has more customization options. 

Here they are:

  1. 1. You can add two images to the Animated Message template. An Icon will be shown as a static image, and a Landscape image will be used in animation.
  1. 2. You can still add a Title and Description like with the Prize template, and we also added a customizable Button text if you want something more original than the standard ‘Continue.’ 

What is a Message?

Again, let’s look at this guy first:


This template looks very similar to Animated Message, with the only difference — it is not animated. You can add one static image to the template, create a title, and a description, and change a Button text.

When Should I Choose Messages and Animated Messages?

The best thing about this template is that it’s universal and suits every type of offer and campaign. Playing around with images and texts, you can make it work for all verticals — including Utilities, Sweepstakes, and iGaming. 


German Saletskiy, Interstitial Optimization Expert: Don’t hesitate to try Animated Messages for any offers and verticals. A/B testing will never hurt — just make sure your images and texts don’t violate our policy and copyright laws.

Message and Animated Message in Action: Case Studies

And here is probably the most exciting part: here we go with the proof of why Messages and Animated Messages are worth trying!

To make it the most vivid example ever, we prepared two real case studies where we compared the performance of Messages and Animated Messages with Blur Dark, another popular Interstitial template. 

To show how universal Messages and Animated Messages are, we tested offers from two verticals: Sweepstakes and Mobile Utilities. A spoiler — it worked out perfectly for both!

Message and Animated Message for Mobile Utilities

To make the first test, we launched three campaigns with similar settings: the only difference was creatives. The first one is the Blur Dark template, the second is the Animated Message, and the third one is the Message.


A little note: we didn’t actually add an animation to the Animated Message template so that our creative didn’t look way too scary — but used an icon picture to attract more attention and clicks.

The other details of all three campaigns looked the following:

Offer: Utilities, an Android Cleaner
Conversion Type: Cost Per Install (a user must download an app)
Dates: 06 January – 08 January 2023
Price Model: CPM
Campaign Budget: $100
OS Type: Mobile
OS Version: Android 6-13

What was the result? Let’s look at the stats: 

With an equal amount of traffic and absolutely the same spending, the Animated Message campaign got six times more clicks and seven times more conversions. Impressive, nah?

The Blur Dark campaign spent $95 on 1214 conversions, a conversion cost was $0,079. The Animated Message campaign spent the same $95 but received 5062 conversions, with an average conversion price of $0,018. The campaign with the Message template resulted in 4744 conversions, and the average conversion price was $0,020.

Does it need any further proof?

Even if not, we got it! Look how Animated Messaged showed its power with a Sweeps offer.

Message and Animated Message for Sweepstakes

For this test, we took an offer with a gift card for a popular Mexican shop and again created three campaigns with identical settings and different creative templates:

Offer: Sweepstakes, a Mex $10,000 gift card
Conversion Type: Cost Per Lead (a user must fill in a registration form and sign up for newsletters)
Dates: 09 January-11 January 2023
Price Model: CPM
Campaign Budget: $100
OS Type: Mobile
OS Version: Android 6-13

Here is how our Interstitials looked: the Dark Blur vs. Animated Message vs. Message. As you see, we added an animated image and didn’t use an icon. You can try any option you want in your campaigns — don’t forget about the importance of A/B testing!

Propellerads_how to ab test based on data

The results of this campaign are actually the same impressive: with the same spending, Animated Message resulted in four times higher CTR and brought ten times more conversions.

The Blur Dark campaign ended up with 387 conversions costing $112, with an average price per conversion of $0,28. The Animated Message spent the same amount for the whopping 1253 conversions, which made the conversion cost only $0,09. The Message was almost the same successful: same spending, 1014 conversions, with an average conversion price of $0,11.

The tests speak for themselves: the new templates bring several times more conversions and help get a much bigger profit. 

This is why we decided to remove Blur, Blur Dark и Light options at all — and continue developing fresh Interstitial templates with a new level of performance.

The first two of them, Message and Animated Message are ready to go right now — so why aren’t you on your SSP yet, launching your campaigns with them?

And, after you get your first results, don’t hesitate to share them with fellow media buyers in our Telegram Chat!


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