Start ad campaigns in minutes and always stay in control

Setting up and managing campaigns in PropellerAds is straightforward and intuitive. Use a single dashboard to test, optimize, and scale your ad campaigns.

Start the campaign

Easily manage your ad campaign at every stage

When testing CPA offers and own products

Stay within your test budget by choosing the right bid with Traffic Estimator

Save time on testing and automate placement selection with SmartCPC and SmartCPM bidding models

Kickstart your campaign with ready-to-go ad templates, or even your landing page as a creative

When optimizing your campaign for lower conversion costs

Mix ready-made audiences gathered by interests, age, and gender to reach relevant users

Auto-change campaign parameters when your KPIs reach certain values

When scaling campaigns while keeping stable CR and high ROI

Reach untapped audience by adding extra traffic sources to your campaign

Easily test new audiences with different ad formats. Auto-convert 1 campaign into 3 with different formats in a couple of clicks

Track costs and profit, ROI, conversions, and other KPIs on a single dashboard for efficient scaling

Watch how to start, optimize, and scale your campaigns


Popunder and Popup Ads

Full-tab ads opening behind the user's main browser window. Huge creative space.

More about Popunder ads

Push Notifications Ads

Short ad messages with a banner delivered directly to users devices. Personal and native.

More about Push ads

Interstitial Ads

Highly clickable static or animated banner, overlapping website content.

More about Interstitital ads

In-Page Push Ads

Push Notification appearing right on the page the user is reading. Works with iOS and MacOS devices.

More about In-Page Push ads