Case Studies

India + Utilities Case Study: Updated Creatives Bring 40,000 Impressions 

India and utilities

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India is known for being one of the most prospective emerging markets for media buyers, especially when it comes to Utilities vertical. As StatCounter graph shows, desktop Internet users in India make 24% only, while 76% prefer mobile.  

The best part is that this is just one of the many reasons why media buyers are starting to launch campaigns targeted specifically at Indian markets. 

There is no doubt that India is already a promising GEO to launch campaigns. Plus, it has enough potential to become one of the most profitable regions for media buyers that specialize in mainstream verticals.

In this article, we’ll go over the experience that one of our partners had setting up a Utility campaign in India. 

Let’s jump right in!

Utility Apps in the Indian GEO

At the start of 2023, internet penetration in India was close to 49%, and many expect that number to grow somewhere close to 74% before the end of the year. 

This, combined with the fact that India will become the most populous country in the world, has created the perfect environment to promote digital utility apps: cleaners, VPNs, ad blockers, and other similar products. 

The Case Itself

As we just mentioned, we will go over the case of one of our affiliates who created a Utility campaign targeting Indian users. 

The offer came from an advertiser that was promoting an Android device cleaning tool. This particular advertiser had an unlimited budget, as long as the conversion price remained less than $0.03.

As for the cleaning tool itself – the app was extremely efficient and well-maintained. The advertiser also went the extra mile to track comments and make changes based on user feedback.

1. Selection of Pre-lander

The first step in the creation of this affiliate’s campaign was the selection of a pre-lander. This step consisted of a series of tests to narrow down exactly which page design and minor elements had impact on conversion. 


2. Testing of Ad Format

Once the best prelander was identified by means of A/B testing, the affiliate conducted more tests to figure out the best ad format for it. 

Careful testing allowed the affiliate to find the best-converting lander first and distinguish the top format later.

The tested formats were Classic Push notifications, Popunder ads, and Interstitials, and the chosen pricing model was PropellerAds’ CPA Goal with auto-optimization function. The data revealed that Push notifications and Pop ads were the best alternatives. 

On the Pop campaign, the affiliate used live CPA Goal campaigns that allowed the identification of effective sources and the creation of whitelists. Once this was identified, the affiliate used another feature called SmartCPM to launch large-scale campaigns using the whitelists created just beforehand. 

As for Push ads, the creatives were written in English and targeted the same language. Badges and custom buttons were also used in the Push content. 

These campaigns worked mostly with Classic Push notifications and targeted all of this type of traffic. In some instances, the affiliate also created a few campaigns targeting the most profitable browsers and OS versions (Chrome/Android). And, this marketer also created interest-based campaigns targeting people that wanted to know about utilities. 

3. Picking Creatives

After finding the best ad formats, the media buyer started assembling creatives. 

Our partner started the campaign with 3-4 similar creatives that were curated and optimized over time. The most efficient creative was similar to this Utilities banner (we cannot show the exact creatives because of confidentiality reasons):


Some of the creatives used were built off of prior effective ads that only needed to be adjusted. At the same time, this also included a lot of testing and evaluation in order to narrow down the best variables. 

4. Toggling Up Additional Settings and Features

In the final step, the affiliate started testing out settings, like Demographic and Interests Targeting, scheduling, delivery frequency, and so on in order to find the best possible combinations. 


So, here are the settings that worked:

  • Ad format: Push/Popunder
  • Pricing model: CPA Goal
  • Platform: Mobile
  • OS: Android
  • Language: English 
  • Tool for scaling: Smart CPM
  • Additional features: Badges for Push, Interest and Demographic Targeting 

The results were nothing but stellar.

On the most profitable day, the campaign generated almost $650 and 40,000 impressions. On the least profitable day, the campaign generated $250, which means that the ceiling of the ads was very high and their floor was also very high. The graph shows it:


Check and compare the results of the first day (1st of January, 2023) and the last day (31st of January, 2023):


In short, running Utility campaigns in India is a great idea, especially if you have the time to test out creatives, narrow down the most converting ones, and create whitelists of the top GEOs. 

Want to Forge Your Own Success Story?

Forging your own success story takes a lot of effort, but it’s not impossible. And, when you partner with PropellerAds, you get on the fast track to success.

Contact us today and set up your first campaign to get started with your own success story. 

And don’t forget to join our Telegram Chat, where you can ask questions and share your feedback!


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