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Go Bright: Holi Festival and Media Buying Trends

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According to PropellerAds’ tests and our partners’ experience, holidays, global events, and festive seasons are great for promoting your offers. This is exactly the time when we observe significant traffic spikes on our ad platform, so there is a huge chance for media buyers and brands to increase conversions and reach new audiences. 

Holi festival is not an exclusion. How to prepare? Which offer to choose? How to make your creatives strike? Let’s discuss these and other questions in today’s article. 

What is the Holi festival?  

Being a traditional Indian festival, Holi is known all over the world. This is a holiday of joy, love, unity, bright colors, and laughter. This year, it is celebrated on the 8th of March (the dates may vary each year, but they always stay within March and April). The holiday lasts a night and a day. 

Historically, Holi signifies the triumph of good over evil, namely – the victory of god Vishnu as Narasimha Narayana over Hiranyakashipu.

This is a day when the winter is over, and blossoming spring arrives. People gather to have fun and play, spread colorful paint all around, and the main thing – forgive and forget everything bad from their past. 

By the way: Holi festival is mostly celebrated in Northern and Western India. This holiday is not very popular in the Southern part of the country, however, the locals have their own spring day – Ugadi. Ugadi is a new Hindu calendar year and is celebrated on the first day of “Chaitra” month, which falls in the months of March-April. The main trait of Ugadi is traditional house decorations – mango leaves, flowers, and rangolis.

Media buying and Holi: choosing the offer 

The first thing to understand about the Holi festival – it is actually a Hindu new year. So this is not just a holiday, but also the end of a financial year in India. Thus, brands will try to spend more money and close the previous season. This is especially true for the Fintech world. 

What does it mean for media buyers and affiliates? This means that affiliate programs usually become more well-paid, especially in some particular verticals. 


Finance affiliate programs of all shapes and sizes, especially everything connected with digital currency and investments, will definitely be on top during Holi. Make sure to check such offers first and foremost – our experts from the Indian Sales team are pretty sure that you will find a lot of interesting stuff in Finance. Pay special attention to offers that include all kinds of loyalty programs, special promos, and bonuses. 

Offer examples: 


Obviously, eCommerce skyrocket during the days of Holi. At this period, people are eagerly buying various goods, mostly – electronics, things for summer, and home-oriented products. These items usually get significant discounts during Holi, which is a great chance to purchase something really expensive at a smaller price. 

Recent years, due to the economic situation within the country and all over the world, prices have risen in India. Therefore, getting expensive and desired goods for lower costs is something most locals might be interested in.

Offer examples: 

Entertainment and Traveling 

The holiday season is a great time to relax and have fun, so another potentially-successful category of offers includes all kinds of entertainment – content-on-demand subscriptions, tickets, success stories, games, etc. If you have never worked with offers like this before, Holi season might be the best time to try. 

Offer examples: 

Make sure to use Demographics and Interests Targeting feature to get relevant traffic and, therefore – more conversions. 

What about creatives? 

So, basically, Holi is your fun way to start a new advertising season. As such, your creatives should also be bright and recognizable. Let’s discuss some does and don’ts. 


  • Bright colors. Yes, the most recognizable thing about Holi is brightness. Those handfuls of flying paint are known all over the world, so even non-Indian audiences will definitely understand this symbol of joy and happiness. Example: 
  • Happy people partying is the second recognizable symbol of the Holi festival. Here is a simple and neat example:
  • Keep it simple. No need to reinvent the wheel – just be clear and joyful.


The main “don’t” for your creatives is straightforward: don’t use any religious Hindu symbols and Gods in your banners. Stick to the idea that Holi is a national festival, bright and cheerful.


So, events are usually associated with traffic spikes. Holi is one of these events and it is definitely worth your attention. India is a rapidly growing market, where you can make money without too much competition now – grab this chance, while there is still time. 

Your possible settings: 

  • GEO: India
  • Language: Hindu/English 
  • Ad format: Interstitials/Popunder
  • Verticals: eCommerce, Finance, Games, Entertainment, Traveling
  • Pricing model: CPA Goal
  • Tools: Demographics and Interests Targeting, S2S Tracker, Interstitial banner templates

Start preparations and testing at least 2 weeks before the event (8th of March in 2023). And PropellerAds will definitely be your best traffic source for your Holi campaign! 

 Have advertising plans for Holi? Need advice? As in our Telegram Chat!


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