How Real Clients Use Demographic Targeting: Results and Feedback

Every affiliate marketer knows – precise targeting is half the battle. Indeed, your campaign performance strongly depends on audience engagement. And from our experience, there is no better hook for a user than his own interest in the offer.
That is why we have created an efficient feature for focused audience engagement – Demographic Targeting.
A couple of words just to remind you how the feature works. You are welcome to pick the custom audience interested in your offers (Sweepstakes, Finance, Dating, etc.), then choose the gender (male or female), and finally the age group (18-29, 30-49, 50+).
You can benefit from all the targeting parameters or pick one of them – the choice is yours. After you do that, the right users will start seeing your ads.
And what are the actual results of such precise targeting? Well, we have a couple of customers’ comments – they are ready to share their experience and tell you how their campaigns skyrocketed with Demographic Targeting.
Highly-engaged users and conversions
One of our customers highlights the benefit of Demographic Targeting this way:
“I got more conversions and considering the medium price, I could increase the limit for a targeted conversion around the zones without dropping ROI too much.
I wish I could get more iOS traffic – for CPM campaigns, it is lower than for the other formats. However, once you set the audiences, you get interested users. Campaigns with Demographic Targeting bring three times higher CPA. You should definitely try this feature. “
Toxic, affiliate marketer
As you can see, custom audiences go with skyrocketing CPA and better conversion rates. No wonder – relevant users choose your ads just because they want them. And no magic!
This benefit of our feature might be not so obvious to predict before you start using it, but it works! So read further because we have even more insights and successful cases.
Simple scaling and custom bidding
Not only Demographic Targeting brings more valuable traffic, as our customer Ivana says. Also, custom bidding allows lower spending combined with better results. Read her comment below:
“I first started using this feature after my AM recommended it (thank you Sofia!), and it was really a great decision.
Within a couple of days, one of the Audience campaigns I tested became one of the top campaigns I had.
The traffic was streamlined, it was like having Categories for push traffic – something I haven’t seen before.
Once you find the right Audience, campaigns are much easier to scale, and combined with the custom bidding – you can reach full potential in short(er) time with less $$$ spent on unwanted/poorly targeted traffic.
I would definitely recommend it, yes. It was an easy win for me, and I plan on keep using them in the future.“
Ivana O., Media buyer
Focused and simple scaling allows you to avoid unnecessary investments and receive top results.
Less effort – more results
Another comment we would like to share with you reveals the general idea of Demographic Targeting: your campaign performs much better than before due to relevant audience, while testing becomes cheaper and more efficient:
“1) To get more targeted traffic for my campaigns
2) Lower CPA and more conversions
3) Cheaper and more effective to test new verticals and GEOs than running RON“
Smooth and successful retargeting
Also, we were glad to hear from our customers that they invent advanced schemes with the help of our retargeting solution. They easily use other networks’ traffic to engage custom audiences. Here is the proof:
“Propellerads’ Audiences have been a game-changer within my leadgen media buying strategy. Not only because it improved my ROI (and/or conversions volume) for almost all offers I run, but also because it allows me to also feed these audiences (I inserted the script on all my landers) with traffic from other ad networks.
With high-volume-and-complex-programmatic-brokering setting the pace of today’s ad networks ecosystem, being able to retarget on PropellerAds users that I first impacted through other networks is a powerful thing and makes Propeller a central tool within my push and onclick investments.“
Cid de Andrade from Learning Mode
PropellerAds strives to make your campaigns profitable, cost-effective, and focused. So we hope that the next positive feedback about Demographic Targeting will be yours.
By the way, the feature is now available for all account levels, so get inspired by our customers’ experience, and try it today to get:
- High performance and better conversion rate due to engaged audiences with relevant interests and demographics;
- Affordable testing and no need to spend cash for unwanted traffic;
- Simple retargeting and even more valuable traffic.
Hurry up and test custom audiences to open the full potential of your campaigns!
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