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5 Best Landing Page Hosting Services for Affiliate Marketers

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Two things are needed when creating a landing page – a domain and a web hosting account. So covering all aspects of hosting services available to affiliate marketers is quite essential. After all, landing pages are a key part of ad campaigns, at least in the majority of cases.

The main idea of a landing page is to make users convert by guiding them toward the specific CTA (call-to-action). It’s the embodiment of the make-or-break moment every affiliate faces, and everything just needs to work smoothly. 

So choosing the right landing page hosting service is of great significance. 

This is why we wanted to present you with the best and the most reliable services for landing page hosting you can find.

The list will come up right after we cover some basics.

What is a landing page?

A landing page is a unique and standalone web page that’s usually designed as part of an advertising campaign, with the purpose of promoting a specific offer. It’s the page where users will “land” after clicking on a link that leads to the landing page.

This link might be visible, like when it’s incorporated in an email, but it can be hidden in the form of a tag, like in the case of our Popunder ads, so whenever users interact with this tag on the web page, namely – click it, they will be redirected to the specific landing page.

The copy, the images, the links on the landing page – it’s all bound together with an intent to increase your conversion rates and improve your overall campaign performance. A landing page allows users to get to know the product better before they are being sent to the payment page.

It’s a one-time opportunity for you to advocate for what your offer stands for, to make a good argument, present benefits, statistics, or anything else that will make the product, or service more appealing.

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The main thing to remember: Unlike regular web pages that are built with several purposes in mind, every landing page is designed with a single goal - to make users fulfill the CTA.

What is landing page hosting?

When talking about landing page hosting we actually refer to a service provided by a web host that will make it possible for your landing page to be displayed live on the Internet.

What does this mean?

Web hosts are online services that can store and keep all the files and data used to create landing pages. It is a server that’s running nonstop, making sure your landing page is visible to users all the time. When the URL of a landing page finds its place in a search bar, the hosting service will display it almost immediately.

The criteria for the good hosting service

There are three things you should expect for a landing page hosting service to provide:

  • Speed
  • Stability
  • Scalability


It’s of huge importance for your landing page to open up as soon as possible. The longer it takes, the higher the percentage of the bounce rate will become. And you clearly don’t want users to navigate away because the landing page takes forever to be displayed.

Also, be aware that we have paid traffic coming to the landing page, so if the page is slow you are losing money!

According to Instapage, up to 3 seconds of load time is acceptable for your landing page to fulfill its goal, but everything above that is considered problematic. They claim that when the load speed is going from 1 to 3 seconds, the bounce rate can go up to 32%, and when the speed of landing page loading reaches 5 seconds, the bounce rate increases up to 90%.

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Now this is the tricky part.

You need your landing page hosting service to make sure your landing page is up and running all the time. Which is a crucial thing, so all of the web hosts are promising exactly that.

But the thing is, not all can deliver this, because of limitations they often have in place, mostly regarding the number of visitors, or monthly bandwidth.

In this case, you need to define what’s the number of visitors you are expecting, and then see if the web hosting service can support that. Be aware that some traffic types come with higher volume than others.


The landing page hosting service has to be able to follow your campaign growth and to meet and adjust to all your requirements.

So again, you will have to do the math and make some predictions not to find yourself in a situation where the hosting service of your choice interrupts your campaign funnel a couple of years from now when your business grows. And all in order for you not to have to overpay for this service.

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Types of landing page hosting services

  • Shared hosting – the most affordable option where your landing page is hosted on the same server as multiple others; it’s not recommended for affiliate marketers, except in the case you are expecting low traffic volume; the common problem with shared hosting is that the resources are not equally distributed among users
  • Cloud hosting – there’s no single server here, but a network of cloud servers connected due to better flexibility and scalability; it’s great for campaigns focused on multiple GEOs
  • Dedicated hosting – it’s self-explanatory; it is a hosting service dedicated to only you and storing only your landing pages
  • Managed hosting – this is a step up from the previously mentioned hosting type; besides being reserved only for your usage, it provides regular management of your hosting, including maintenance and technical support
  • Virtual private server hosting – it’s another virtual space, aside from Cloud hosting, but with additional benefit based on the fact it’s only at your disposal, there comes the “private” part in the name

It’s clear that, when comparing free landing page hosting with paid versions, there would be certain limitations within the ones you don’t have to pay for. We refer to limited storage space,  limited number of features you will have at your disposal, bandwidth, lower performance quality, etc.

Free landing page hosting is an adequate solution only for beginners who are just kicking off with simple and very few landing pages, but for experienced marketers we only recommend paid landing page hosting.

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These come with better loading speed, higher reliability, the highest security level, with customized features, and in some cases technical support. With free versions, you can never count on scalability, and often there’s a question if you will be able to have a custom domain name.

List of 5 best landing page hosting services we recommend

Now, here are landing page hosting services you can count on to do what they are supposed to do – provide you with a reliable, uptime, steady and safe place for storing your data and making sure your landing page works smoothly.


This is one of the most popular hosting platforms, and with reason, given it offers everything you need for hosting your landing pages, and for quite a decent price. 

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With Bluehost, you don’t have to predict the number of your visitors to make sure the presence of your landing page is steady, given this hosting service comes with unmetered bandwidth. 

Also, you will be getting 10GB of SSD storage (for a Basic plan, the Plus plan doubles the storage space), a free SSL certificate for a year, and a free CDN (content delivery) network that will speed up your landing page delivery. As a bonus, there’s a free domain name as well, with up to 25 subdomains. Also available for one year only.

There are three packages you can choose from: 

  • Shared hosting, great for beginners, with the price of $4,51 a month
  • VPS for growing business, with the price of $27,30 a month
  • Dedicated hosting, ideal for high traffic volume, for $81,91 a month


With Ionos you will get quite similar things, but at a much lower cost. It is a great hosting option for both small and larger businesses, since it has many hosting plans to offer. What’s especially important to underline is that every plan includes a free domain name for a year, free SSL, and non-stop support from this platform.


Ionos guarantees 99,9% uptime, provides DDoS protection that prevents malicious traffic, as well as regular daily backup, and what’s most important – scalable plans.

You will be getting 10GB of storage, just like with Bluehost, and an exceptional load time for your landing pages which is something this hosting service is very proud of. According to them, it takes only 1,23 seconds for a full load of a page.

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For the first year, the monthly subscription is only $1, paid annually, and after that the price goes up to $10 a month. Know that in case you reach your performance level you can adjust the plan, and in that case each adjustment costs $2 a month.


Here’s another great hosting service that’s worth investing in, especially if you consider the quality of the service you will get for quite a small amount of money. For only $2.75 a month (and this is a three-year deal), you will be getting:

  • A year-long free domain name
  • Free website and domain transfer if you need it
  • Free SSL certificate
  • 24/7 technical support

HostGator does not impose any limitations, so you will be faced with unmetered disk space, and unmetered bandwidth, which means you can just drive your business forward without having to worry whether or not your hosting platform will be able to follow.

And on top of that, they are proud to offer a 99% uptime guarantee, so the loading speed of your landing page won’t be an issue. However, in case you are not pleased with the service, for whichever reason, you can get your investment back, thanks to their 30-day money-back guarantee.

There are three types of offers within HostGator – for a single website, for up to 5 websites, and for an unlimited number of websites.

InMotion Hosting

If you count on security and the reliability of your hosting service, then InMotion Hosting is the best choice. They offer 5 different hosting packages – Shared, VPS, Dedicated, Optimized shared and Platform iCloud hosting, and the price varies from $2,99 to $89,99 a month.

Within each package you have an option of selecting a commitment time period, which affects pricing as well – the 3-year plan comes with better conditions than a 1-year plan, for instance.


Let’s say you decide to go with a VPS plan – you will get from 90 to 360 GB of SSD storage space, unlimited bandwidth (or 2TB in case of the cheapest package), free SSL in all cases, free transfer and server setup, DDoS protection and malware protection, as well as live chat support. 

The service gives a 90-day money-back guarantee, the industry’s longest, so you’ll have more than enough time to test everything up and make sure the platform fulfills all your needs. Be aware that an automatic backup option is available, but for a fee.

This award-winning platform is promising 99,99% uptime and constant security monitoring.

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No matter the type of business you are running, MochaHost will almost certainly meet all your needs. They have 6 different packages, 99,9% uptime, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage space, website builder (in case you need it), and a couple of other extra features. And all that for $2,29 a month.


All of its users will get a free domain name, free SSL for life, free transfer suitable for those who are changing the host, and 24/7 support in place. There are also step-by-step tutorials you can use if you are having problems with making a transfer, or with any other issue, but assistance can be provided as well.

Their special feature, called Lightning Fast, promises the fastest landing page loading time. They claim it’s faster than any other Cloud hosting service can offer. And there’s a non-stop service monitoring, making sure your data is at your disposal all the time, and that your landing page is up and running without any issues.

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MochHost stands behind a 30-day money-back guarantee, and is an ideal option for high-volume traffic websites, and for content-heavy sites. 

Final Thoughts

All of the mentioned landing page hosting services come with the highest scores in reviews, and as you already probably have noticed, they offer quite similar sets of services and features. So it all comes down to you test ride one or two and see for yourself whether or not they can fulfill your business needs. Especially if the service offers a money-back trial period.


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