Up to 243 conversions a second for affiliates

Industry-leading multisource ad network with the top traffic quality and volume, unmatched automation features, and multiple ad formats

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Why affiliates choose PropellerAds


Year of expertise


Audience reach


Industry top ad formats

Real traffic filtered from fraud

Al-powered fraud detection and multi-tier evaluation of supply partners to provide top-quality traffic for any of your offers.
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Easy to start, test, and scale

The intuitive interface will guide you through the campaign setup so that you start in minutes. Test creatives, audiences, formats, platforms, GEOs - all easy and scalable.
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AdTech for affiliates

We provide top traffic quality and volume by uniting top anti-fraud technologies and traffic sources unique to the market. Our performance tools are recognized by affiliates across the globe.

CPA Goal

Our leading AI-powered tool. You set the target lead price, we drive quality traffic and conversions

Ready-to-use audiences

Gathered by interests, age, and gender for easier targeting

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Direct Click

Top zones, no creatives, and direct visit to your offer

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PropellerAds is THE best network for pop and push traffic. You'll find high volume available, fast approving times, and tons of targeting options to optimize and scale up your campaigns.

Servando Silva, Affiliate Marketer & Influencer

Propeller Ads was the ad network where I had my best and biggest campaigns as an affiliate. The support team was great when it came to helping with optimization advice, the traffic volume was some of the biggest out there too.

Emanuel Cinca, Stackedmarketer

PropellerAds is unique in the business because of their advanced filter and targeting system. I would not have such good and fast results without quality support from the account manager. I wanna say "Thank You" to Nataly, you are amazing!

Dan Lemish, TP Digital marketing Group

Look how affiliates grow with PropellerAds

Start my first campaign

Choose offer and set up campaign

Pick an offer in a trusted CPA network to run in PropellerAds

Choose ad formats, traffic types, and bidding models

Use Traffic Estimator to find out campaign reach and plan better


Test and automate

Auto-convert one campaign into three with different formats for faster testing

Use Smart Rotator to find out what creatives perform best

Set up conditions to autochange campaign parameters when your KPIs reach certain values


Optimize and scale

Use retargeting to re-engage users and group those who view, click your ads, or convert

Use AI-based CPA Goal bidding, our latest feature for most converting traffic at your price

Choose between audiences with different activity level to expand the reach

Propeller Priority program for affiliates

Priority support line, early access to new features, and other perks

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