Do It Once, Do It Twice: How to Retest Your Offers?

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So, our affiliate soldier, do you know how to win the ground on the marketing battlefield? Mark this, warrior: you’ve got to test your strategy and then improve it. Then test it one more time! And improve it!
Indeed, testing is great, but retesting is everything. In this article, we will explain why these practices are important and how to apply them smartly. Also, we will discuss some concrete conditions for a retest and see how smart rearrangement increases your chances to earn more – real cases included. Here we go!
Situations when a retest is crucial
Indeed, a CPA or CPA Goal ad campaign is something you should create and then reconsider – you cannot just launch one and see it rolling. Check it, find the weak places, and strengthen them! But how do you know that you need to launch another test?
The general advice is as simple as that: retest when the results of the first launch are not enough to have a clear performance picture. In other words, they are not perfect, but still – not that bad.
And now let’s dive into details and discuss some concrete situations for a retest and ways to make things better (with examples!):
- The campaign or offer performed well for a while, but was stopped more than a week ago.
- You didn’t track the results of the previous launch precisely enough. Say, your tracker wasn’t working well, but now it is fixed.
- Your targeting was too narrow, so you received just a small portion of traffic. For example, you were aiming at a particular language or OS, but the chosen zone was not very rich for such traffic. Broaden your targeting settings and launch a new test.
For this point, we have an interesting case to share. Check the offer settings:
- Offer type: Cleaner
- Platform: Android
- Ad format: Popunder ads
- Browser: Google Chrome
- Language: EN
Here is the offer:
Classical mild creative that gently informs users about the benefits of clean and strong devices, like better performance and battery life. And it’s free!
Narrow targeting was the only downside of this campaign – it was aimed mainly on 3G Internet users. But our smart partner took the right steps to expand it.
And here come the numbers:

Broader targeting brought much better results – 62 conversions VS 317 conversions! How do you like that?
Let’s continue discussing situations for a retest, we have more to share!
- Your previous campaign received traffic from different zones, but the number of conversions was too small. In such a case, you can launch it again with an increased bid (at least, 30%) or/and refreshed creatives. The rule of one week works here, as well – wait for this period before you retest the offer.
- You decided to include new creatives or change the offer flow, for instance – simplify a registration process.
And now meet another shiny case regarding this advice:
- Offer type: Sweepstakes
- Platform: Android
- Format: Push ads
- Language: EN
This one was a classical Sweepstakes offer. Lucky chances and exclusive prizes sound really nice. However, roulette is something users have already seen a million times. Let’s be honest, no matter how bright such creatives are, they are too widespread.
The roulette was complemented by an elegant notification like this:

But let’s admit it – a couple of responses in exchange for an expensive prize might be a barrier for lazy users. They want gifts right now!
So our partner replaced those with a brilliant banner. And this one converted at a crazy pace:

Non-intrusive and appealing messages like this one work really great. Don’t take our words for granted, just check the stats and see everything yourself. Here is the difference in stats:
As you can see, the final version of a Push notification was a success – 216 conversions against 16 ones is a striking result.
- You generated the majority of the traffic and spent the huge part of your budget for particular zones. Exclude them and launch your campaign again.
- You decided to experiment with ad formats.
Some formats show better performance with particular verticals and it makes sense to change them and then – retest your offers.
Let’s see an example from the eCommerce campaign. Here are the settings:
- Offer type: Ecommerce
- Platform: Android
- Format: Classic Push > Onclick
- Language: Indonesian
And here comes the initial Classic Push notification used for the campaign:
The text “Gratis ongkir untu semua” means “Free shipping for everyone”. Not bad! However, when you actually see what exactly is going to be shipped for free… You are more likely to click it! That must be the reason why the Onclick format performed better. Take a look:
Indeed, when it comes to online shopping, people react to the goods first. Free shipping is just an additional benefit for them, but initially they are hooked by cheap and amazing towels, cosmetics, flip flops, and other stuff.
Here are the results in numbers:
See? Instead of 3 conversions with Push, we have 1030 with Onclick! That’s a considerable difference.
Congrats, if you are reading this! You’ve found the first part of the $100 bonus promo code —> “easter-”. Save it and look for the second part in our social media updates (Facebook, Telegram, Instagram).
Affiliates want to know: a couple of fundamental questions answered
Now we would like to discuss some crucial questions regarding retests and furnish you with more knowledge.
Are there any specific recommendations for different verticals?
No worries, retests are universal. The principles stay the same no matter which vertical you prefer. The only difference is the offer flow – the more complicated it is, the more time you will need for a retest.
The reason is simple – complicated flows are associated with delayed conversions, so you will have to wait for them before launching a new test.
How about seasonality? Does it make any difference?
Retests are not associated with seasonality, but some offers actually are. This is especially true for event-related offers, like sports competitions. For example, let’s assume that you launched a Betting campaign during UEFA Euro 2020. Logically, you will get traffic during the event and then the frenzy will die down – users won’t be active after the matches are over.
However, if you plan to work with upcoming sports events, like The League of Champions, you may want to relaunch the same offer. And it makes sense.
How do you know that the offer is already wrung dry and won’t bring you anything?
If you tried to refresh the creatives, adjusted targeting, and traffic distribution, but the offer didn’t bring any results after 3-4 launches, well, it must be the time to say “good-bye”. You should take another offer or change this one from the ground up (if you are the owner).
So, we have brought the light to the theme of retests and now you know how to approach them like a pro. Remember that retests are crucial – they help you grow and make your offers perform much better.
Your first launch is always informative – check the results to see if your targeting was too narrow, change the creatives, increase bids, and make a new step. Each of your next steps will be more confident! Good luck!
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