TAG: Editor's choice

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Popunder Ads

Choose Wisely: 8 Best Popunder Ad Networks in 2024

We prepared a narrowed list of 8 best performing Popunder ad networks you can rely on when looking for quality Popunder traffic

Propeller ads media buyer certification.
Our News

PropellerAds Media Buyer Certification: Become a Certified Expert

PropellerAds Media Buyer Certification (MBC), an assessment test to evaluate your skills with our multisource campaign management platform

40 % roi for e-commerce campaigns.
Guest Expert

Up to 40% ROI for eCommerce Campaigns: Interview with a Marketing Agency Member

We present an interview with Ibrahim, our partner and marketing agency member, a real specialist in eCommerce campaigns. Hot insights included!

sporting events calendar
Ad Trends

Sporting Events 2023-2024 for Affiliate Marketers [Interactive Calendar]

Explore lucrative affiliate partnerships for Sporting Events 2023. Join now for exclusive deals and earn big commissions!

direct click traffic
Platform Updates

Direct Click: Your Shortest Way to the Most Engaged Audience

Direct Click provides access to the list of chosen ad placements and allows you to purchase a direct visit right to your offer

propellerads - interstitials x cpa goal
Case Studies

CPA Goal for Interstitials: Finance Survey Case Study

When combined with a CPA Goal auto-optimization tool, Interstitials show their full potential. Check this case study & learn how to boost performance

Propellerads_how to ab test based on data
Guest Expert

A/B Testing: How to Optimize Based on Your Data?

In this post, we will analyze how to properly conduct an A/B test and, more importantly, how to implement the conclusions of our tests in our advertising campaigns

smartphone giveaway roi 215%

[Case Study] Sweepstake Offer, Push & Romania (Profit $3827+ROI 215%)

Check out a case study recommended for everyone who works or only starts working with sweepstakes. See how to run sweepstake campaigns

affiliate trends 2021
Ad Trends

Facts Before Feelings: 2021 Affiliate Trends

All the affiliate trends 2021 in one blog post! Learn what the key influencers and top affiliates think about affiliate industry in 2021

How to Choose a Health & Beauty Offer

Nutra Success: How to Choose a Health & Beauty Offer

Discover the keys to Nutra success! Find the perfect health & beauty offer with expert guidance. Maximize your potential today!

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