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Dead Season Myth-Busting: Top Verticals and Activities for Summer 2023 [Real Offers Inside]


Long story short: we came across this message in our Telegram channel:


Yeah, some media buyers do feel summer is a kinda dead season for affiliate marketing. But is it really SO bad? If you’ve already decided to let it go and leave for a vacation, you might be getting ahead of yourself. 

Together with Konstantinos Kafkalias, our Senior Account Strategist, we found the most profitable verticals you can run during summer not to feel even a small vibe of the ‘slow-sales period. The season highlights and some unobvious tips are also included!

Maybe you will unpack your suitcase and return your tickets to Bali after you read it, so be aware.

Summer 2023 Highlights: Three Key Events You Don’t Want to Miss

Why is there so much prejudice regarding summer season, after all? Well, the main reason is it’s a holiday time, of course. In other words, most of your traffic is simply having a rest on various resorts, catching the waves instead of bringing you conversions.

However, we have good news:

  • Affiliate marketers are vacationing, too. It means lower competition and cheaper campaigns.
  • There are still big events you can profit from. 

And, to show you how it works, we did research on the dates you shouldn’t miss to squeeze the most out of the upcoming summer.

Champions League

Sports events’ finals are always a thing to profit from — and the Champions League’s one, scheduled for June 10, 2023, is definitely not an exclusion. Seasoned marketers already guess what a boost it might give to their campaigns — but here is a bit of proof. 

Meet the last year’s stats for the Champions League final and their comparison with the previous day:

28/05/2022 (CL Finals Date)10 976 115 97123 964 362
Compared to 27/05/2022+44 163 348+1 193 382

The traffic increase is obvious, right? 44 million more impressions than on the day before the Final.

PropellerAds - Campaigns to Run After the World Cup

Do you still think this summer will be a low-sales season?

Affiliate World Europe Conference

The Affiliate World Europe is one of the top-three annual affiliate conferences, gathering approximately 5k media buyers. Taking place on 12-13 July this year, this conference will be a great opportunity to network, get hundreds of new contacts and insights, and have fun after all. 

But we are not here to share such obvious things with you, right?

Konstantinos Kafkalias: Let’s think out of the box here. 5000 affiliates are at the conference. What does it mean? Yeah, they are less on their laptops. We observe fewer new launches or tests during such big events.

So, what you can do is to take advantage of the lower competition and actively launch your new campaigns during these days. 

Yes, we know you want to visit the conference, too — so get the most out of our mobile app then. Start and pause your campaigns, check stats, top up your account — be the smartest of them all and make money during conference small talks!

Assumption Day

A big European holiday that takes place on August 15 might help you in a pretty unexpected way. Yes, August is the overall slowest month when it comes to any sales, and Assumption Day contributes to it, too. 

Konstantinos Kafkalias:  How many people use it as an opportunity to have a rest? Countless. Again, competition is lower these days because the industry is vacationing. But do you know who else is vacationing? USERS. 

Yes, they might spend less time on the Internet, but they will still want to:

  • watch movies:  help them with Video On Demand offers 
  • do some shopping: unwrap your eCommerce campaigns
  • travel abroad, which might mean GEO-restrictions: pssst, want to get this VPN?
  • relax and play: let them spend money on iGaming!

Take advantage of relaxed, vacationing users and lower eCPMs because of fewer new campaigns launched around this date.

PropellerAds_how to test a cpa offer

Top Verticals to Run During Summer 2023 [With Top Offers]

So we hope you don’t consider summer to be something you should be scared of anymore. And we already mentioned some verticals you could try. But what are 100% hottest, sweetest, and most profitable niches for summer affiliate marketing this year?

Welcome to the ready list we prepared after thorough research.


Surveys are another vertical that is not affected by seasonality: enjoy lower eCPMs and lower competition — but the same brilliant performance. By the way, it makes sense to try running them worldwide — with some top GEOs in mind, of course.

Tips for your campaigns:

Top Formats: (based on PropellerAds campaigns stats): Push 25% – Onlick 75%
Best Offers To Try: 

Finance Survey (Android) – CPL
Giveaway Survey (Android) – CPL
Social Survey – CPL
iGaming Survey – CPL
survey exit new ad format


Summer, heat, holidays, the beach — very romantic, right? Besides these poetic vibes, we have a hard fact that the Social vertical showed the biggest boost throughout last summer.

strategies for dating offers

The nicest thing about this niche is that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. Use your proven GEOs, creatives, and formats, and enjoy the ride! The lack of competition will also allow you to test some new options: for example, the new hot GEOs for Social — IN and ID.

Tips for your campaigns:

Top Formats (based on PropellerAds campaigns stats): 60% Push, 20% Onclick, 10% Interstitial
Best Offers to Try:
SweetMeet Android


This one is definitely the all-year-round vertical: there is no season when people decide they don’t need cleaners and VPNs anymore. And we have a couple of reasons why it might be especially profitable in summer:

  • People will travel a lot, remember? Today, traveling often means some geo-restrictions, so VPNs are in high demand.
  • The Champions League, again! Hundreds or even thousands of football fans won’t have access to international websites, and your VPN offer might become their last resort.
utilities - antivirus - offers

Tips for your campaigns:

Top Formats: (based on PropellerAds campaigns stats): 40% Push – 50% Onclick – 10% Interstitial
Best Offers To Try:
Fast’n’Clean APK Android
Scanero: QR Code Reader Android
Jax VPN Android NEW


Yes, summer is not so generous when it comes to big sports events. But we have the Champions League’s final as our ace in a hole — and also the fact iGaming is evergreen around the whole year.

iGaming creatives - affiliate campaigns

Users are always willing to play, in fact: during the biggest games or when they are just relaxing on their vacation. Another fact to keep in mind: major media buying players will reduce their budgets, so your campaigns might reach more users and get cheaper launches.

Tips for your campaigns:

Top Formats (based on PropellerAds campaigns stats): 50% Push, 50% Onclick

To Sum Up

Armed with a bunch of profitable offers, formats and GEO ideas, and (we hope!) a dose of inspiration, you are ready for this summer. 

— Want to discuss the article (or something else) with fellow affiliates? Welcome to our Telegram Channel!


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