Case Studies

Sports Events: Why Should You Care Even if You’re Not a Buff?

propellerads sports events boost conversions image

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Sports events, either football matches or boxing, glue millions of eyes to the screens.

Some cheer for the teams of their native cities; the others are real fans of magnificent MMA fighters.

In all cases, such days are associated with numerous excited supporters, eagerly watching the show – their hardest looks are already directed to the screens. Why don’t affiliates use such fruitful conditions to make their wallets thicker? Let’s discuss how fruitful sports events might be.

What makes sports that attractive for affiliates?

Indeed, sports events are perfect for your campaigns, since they can boast of incredible popularity, and therefore – potentially bring great revenue. Just seize the moment!

And one more thing – fans are usually feeling impulsive during those matches, so they behave less rationally, being impatient and hot-tempered. As such, they are more likely to click the banner than ever. 

These days are the days of your harvest – offers’ CR increases several times! This means that you should pay attention to the upcoming matches – our platform will eagerly remind you about them! 

Also, you need to mind that some events are important only for those people who live around certain areas, like local football leagues and matches. The others are extremely popular worldwide, for example, when it comes to fights between boxers of global renown. 

Retargeting Converted Audiences: Are These The Verticals You’re Looking For?

Smart targeting, the right moment to launch your campaign, and a nice offer to convey – here is a basic recipe of the magic potion for every affiliate. You don’t have to take our words for granted – we have a couple of real case studies of our partners to present.

The real case to mind: Sports streaming website + iVPN – Best WiFi Security

Our first case is dedicated to a large website where people watch sports streams, namely – the martial arts. As you may know, such shows are usually paid, but most watchers actually prefer free content. 

Is there something to help them circumvent these restrictions? Sure, a VPN. The smart choice of our affiliate was promoting iVPN – Best WiFi Security, an app for anonymous and safe access. The chosen format was as follows:

Campaign Period: 28/11/20 – 29/11/20
Price Model: СРC
Ad format: Push ads/In-Page Push ads
OS Type: Mobile
Device Type: Phone
Device: iPhone

As you can see from the table above, the targeting was also adjusted smartly. Our affiliate was aimed at the US audience and namely – the iPhone owners, people who are concerned about their security and… are used to paying for soft and applications (and have some spare dollars to do that, huh).

And here is how the pre-lander looked like:

iVPN pre-lander

The image looks pretty similar to the system message, which makes it brilliant and ensures reliability. Would you like to make your connection more secure? Sure, you do; everyone does. Just click the button and proceed. 

As the conversion flow includes app download, installment, activation, and usage, the pre-land kindly informs watchers about the expected actions. The Install button leads to a Landing page, where users can download the VPN app and enjoy their live streams for free.

Utilities CPA Offers: Types, Campaign Comparisons, Tips + [Case Study]

As you know, the visual part of the campaign is real art, so this image is not a single example we would like to share. It was flashed out with the following adorable creatives:

propellerads - sports case - push creative 1

You’ve got a new notification, so why don’t you take a look? Oh, that’s your VPN, waiting for you to download it right now. Simple, straightforward, works fine. 

propellerads - sports events - creative 2

And here the second smart creative, the one that appeals right to your heart and encourages you to take care of your privacy. 

propellerads - sporting events case - 3 creative

The best browsing is safe browsing. Get the update and don’t be shy to continue. 

Sounds impressive? Well, this is only half the battle, because we are about to show some numbers that speak for themselves. Fasten your belts, dear readers, you will see something really fascinating in a second.

propellerads -stats 2

The campaign stats show that the number of conversions is about 3-5 and hardly more. However, just take a look at the first line. Can you believe that? The habitual near-to-zero results skyrocketed to 1000+ conversions!

And the CTR was just crazy – 4.46%. As you can guess, such numbers bring serious revenue. Of course, the witty affiliate knew another important trick and increased his ad spending significantly. 

It was the fight between Mike Tyson, a significant boxing figure, and Roy Jones Jr., which happened right at that night, 28Th of November, so millions of potential leads were at their screens. Ta-dah:

tyson v jones banner

The affiliate experienced another pleasant boost on the 5th of December. The CTR is higher than a usual one and makes 4.04%, while the number of conversions is also impressive – 98, which brings a notable revenue. Not bad! Here, take a look:

propellerads stats 1

This was a Hermansson vs. Vettori match, one of the series that took place that day:

Hermansson vs. Vettori
Credits: UFC

You can see more bounces of conversions nearby connected with the other less popular matches, but they are less fascinating than the first case. The reason is pretty simple – everyone is interested in how Tyson performs, and fewer people track the rest of the fights. Still, they do visit the platform when something significant is happening out there.

Another inspiring case: Football streaming site + VPN & WiFi Proxy Offer

And now, let’s discuss a bit more local case – the one focused on the Brazilian audience.

Our next case is related to an online resource where the matches of Series A, namely – Brazilian Championship and Libertadores Cup – are streamed. The format was the same as the previous, but we will remind it:

Campaign Period: 28/11/20 – 9/12/20
Price Model: СРC
Ad format: Push/In-Page Push
OS Type: Mobile
OS Version: iOS 12-14

Again, watchers looking for a chance to enjoy the content for free might find the ad of VPN & WiFi Proxy app pretty appealing, just like the MMA fans from the first case. Especially, when it looks like this:

VPN pre-lander

Yes, this is an extremely witty idea. Have you ever found yourself annoyed by the loading video? That moving circle might drive anyone really nuts. And imagine that you have been waiting for that championship for months, all of your friends and neighbors are already cheering on your favorite team, and you are the only one left off-board. 

Is it possible to resist clicking such an ad? We don’t think so. Especially, considering how politely and officially the text looks like. After you click the Install button, you appear on the landing page, again. The app was paid, as well. 

Desktop vs. Mobile Traffic: What All Affiliates Need to Know

Remember, about the iPhone users? Yes, but considering the financial capacities of people from this region, they are cheaper here. And affiliates get a bit less cash, as well ($0.5 per conversion).  As for the conversions, they are counted when leads install and activate the app.

And here comes the most interesting part – statistics. Let’s hear what the numbers whisper:

As you can see from the stats, the results are pretty unstable. There are no such contrasting boosts as those we have reviewed before, but some changes are not hard to notice anyway. The usual number of conversions is about 5-10 and rarely – about 50. 

On the second of December, we can see 300+ conversions, plus CTR makes 1.82%. Instead of a habitual $50, the ad spend rises to $150-200, which boosts the revenue a couple of times, as well. 

What happened on the 2nd of December? It was a long-awaited match between Brazil and Ecuador, a pretty significant event for every Brazilian, we must suggest. 

There were two other bounces – on the 5th of December, the audience enjoyed Bahia vs. Ceará match, and on the 9th of December – the Libertadores Cup match.

Don’t miss your chance to try – great events are on the horizon

Are you already itching to start? Then here, take a look at this list of the upcoming interesting events, and don’t forget to add them to your calendar:

  • 15 May: Football – FA Cup final at Wembley
  • 22 May: Rugby Union – European Champions Cup final – venue TBC
  • 23 May: Formula 1 – Monaco Grand Prix, Monte Carlo
  • 26 May: Football – Europa League final
  • 29 May: Football – Champions League final
  • 11 June-11 July: Football – Euro 2020 in various countries (here is the list)
  • 17 July: Rugby League – Challenge Cup final at Wembley
  • 18 July: Formula 1 – British Grand Prix at Silverstone
  • 23 July-8 Aug: Olympic Games in Tokyo

Wrapping up

As you can see, the conversions highly depend on the significance of sports events – the more popular they are, the better results you get. Just because people like them! Less important events also bring profit, but the numbers are less striking. 

As for the rest of the days, the sports streaming platforms are usually dead. Sad but true, they are not evergreen.

Now let’s list the ingredients to make your monetization alchemy happen:

  • The right day

Yes, as we have already found out, when it comes to sports events, the right days are everything. Obviously, the significant events bring more revenue. Some events mean a lot to the whole world, while the others – for targeted audiences only. Mind the GEO and start preparing your campaign beforehand.

  • The relevant offer

From the experience of our partners, VPN apps work perfectly for sports events. People already have a reason to download them, so you don’t even need to be too devious with your creatives. As you can see from the examples, pretty simple and chucky ones work ideally. In addition to VPN apps, other relevant offers might include iGaming and dating.

  • The suitable ad format

Push and in-page push are the leading ad formats for sports events. They help to convert every single user, which is a great idea considering how unstable the sports traffic is. Onclicks/Popunders and interstitials might also work ideally. Test different options and combinations before the event starts – a small experiment will help you pick the best one.

So, what is the nearest event you would like to put your hands on? We bet that you are already inspired to repeat the success of our partners! And don’t forget to opt for a reliable ad platform – this will definitely increase your chances to succeed.

By the way, now is the time to launch sports campaigns. And below is a convenient button to do that 😛

Good luck!


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