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4 Pro Tips for Running a Successful SmartCPA Campaign


The performance bidding model SmartCPA gives advertisers an opportunity to automatically test CPA offers on our traffic, and pay only for conversions after the campaign is optimized by our system. However, it works only if the technology is used properly.

In this article we’ve collected a range of super effective tips on how to cut the optimization costs of your SmartCPA campaigns, or even get the cost to zero, and get a fully optimized campaign that brings conversions.

1. Earn more with higher conversion price!

SmartCPA campaign tips #1

When you decide to start a SmartCPA campaign, you choose between 2 strategies:

1) Getting less conversions, but with a bigger profit from each one.

  • Example: your CPA network’s payout is $1, and you set the “conversion price” to $0.50.

2) Getting more conversions with several campaigns on big traffic volumes, but with lower profits from each conversion.

  • Example: your CPA network’s payout is $1, you set the “conversion price” to $0.80.
Which works better?

We recommend using the 2nd strategy, setting the “conversion price” as high as possible (70-80% of your CPA network’s payout). This way your campaign will be more competitive, and our algorithms will be able to drive more traffic to your offer from high-quality zones (ad placements).

As a result, you will acquire more conversions within a shorter period of time, which will significantly improve the result of your campaign’s test.

2. One “traffic slice” per one campaign

What is a traffic slice?

A traffic slice is a segment of traffic with a specific geo+platform targeting combination (iOS + USA; Android + Germany).

Usually a CPA offer works better with either a mobile audience, or with desktop users. It’s rare when you get similar conversion rate on both types of traffic.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to create separate campaigns targeting mobile and desktop users. In this case, your offer will be tested on a more relevant audience, and test period expenses will be lower. We recommend doing the the same with 3G & Wi-Fi targeting options.

This also helps to avoid a situation in which the biggest part of your budget is used up by desktop traffic, leaving mobile devices’ users ignored.

The Simplest Explanation of CPA (Cost-per-Action) Payment Model

3. What should you know about testing on Tier I and Tier II traffic?

What is Tier I, Tier II, etc?

“Tier” defines traffic geo, traffic quality, and price.

  • Tier I stands for high-quality traffic from English speaking countries: USA, UK, Canada.
  • Tier II is traffic from Western Europe.
  • Tier III traffic includes visitors from most other countries.

When you target Tier I or Tier II geos, it’s a good idea to increase your Test Budget Limit. It’s all about the price of the selected traffic.

If you want to target US, GB, DE, or other geos (where the average CPM can reach $4), get ready to spend $200-300 on testing and proper optimization.

Our algorithms need some time to collect conversion statistics and to find the relevant zones for your campaign.

Tier 1 traffic overview

4. No Smart Links, please!

It’s an offer rotating advertising solution provided by some CPA networks.

Although it is a great feature for manual testing, Smart Links can mess things up when combined with the SmartCPA bidding model.

The problem is quite obvious: the offers are constantly rotated, and as a result, one ‘bad apple’ in the rotation can have a negative effect on the rest of the offers and the test.

What’s more, our system gets insufficient data due to that rotation. This causes an irrelevant optimization of your campaign, which ends up with a failed testing period.

Note: Please create a separate campaign for each CPA offer!

Use these tips for your future and current SmartCPA campaigns and you can already start only paying for conversions!

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