Case Studies

Why Should I Duplicate My Campaign: The New Feature in Action [Case Study]

campaign duplication

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Recently, we added a brand-new feature, Campaign Duplication. As we’ve already told you about campaign duplication, it allows you to get the best available traffic for your campaign effortlessly.

Sounds like magic, but this is just PropellerAds technology — big data, machine learning, and savvy specialists combo. 

We won’t bother you with all this boring technical staff — and will just show how it works instead.

The case studies we will show in this post prove that duplicated campaigns get up to 2 times (or even more) higher CR, boost profit and make conversion prices lower.

We bet you’ll want to try it after, so read on!

The feature is available for Gold and Platinum users.

Briefly: What is Campaign Duplication?

A feature that allows you to get a more powerful copy of your existing campaign:


It happens like this:

  1. 1. You tick the Duplicate My Campaign button when you finish setting up your campaign.
  1. 2. PropellerAds algorithms check if your campaign has the potential for optimization based on historical data and targeting opportunities.
  1. 3. If it does, your campaign is duplicated. PropellerAds algorithms begin exploring the best traffic sources and targeting settings for the duplicate.
  1. 4. Up to 50% of your original campaign’s budget transfers to the duplicated one. So, no way you will overspend.
  1. 5. Thanks to advanced targeting optimization, the duplicated campaign has a big chance of having the most converting traffic and so increased CR and profit.
propellerads-duplicate-campaign-banner image

And a couple of important additions:

  • You can always control the budget of your duplicated campaign and change it
  • You can modify any settings of the duplicated campaign
  • We won’t duplicate your campaign if it has too little chance to perform better

They Duplicated Their Campaigns: Case Studies

So we mentioned ‘a more powerful copy’, ‘better performance,’ and ‘higher CR.’ It’s all true but a bit abstract. Let’s switch to real figures and see how it worked out for our partners.

Case Study 1

Our partner took a car insurance offer with a CPL conversion type and created the following campaign:

  • Budget: $11,409
  • GEO: DE
  • OS: iOS
  • Desired bid: $9.41
  • Bidding model: CPA Goal

When creating the campaign, he opted for the ‘Duplicate my campaign’ feature. PropellerAds algorithms checked if there was space for improvement — and yes, the campaign could be optimized. So, the duplicate was confirmed. While the second campaign was live, it overall took $5,589 of the original budget. The first campaign kept going with the rest of the budget — $5,820.

After a month, our partner saw the following results:

Campaign nameClicksConversionsCRSpendingProfit ROIConversion Price

What happened?

  1. 1. The campaign duplicate resulted in almost twice the higher CR — from 3.20% to 5.89%. This happened thanks to more precise targeting: both campaigns received the most converting traffic.
  2. 2. The spending for the duplicate campaign was even a bit lower than for the original: it spent $309 less. This was possible thanks to PropellerAds algorithms that balance spending and the number of conversions.
  3. 3. The conversion price of the duplicate was $8.22, which was lower than the $8.29 for the original one.
  4. 4. As a result of the narrower targeting and optimized spending, the duplicated campaign gained a higher ROI with lower spending. The ROI of the duplicated was 14%, while the original resulted in 13%. 
Bidding_Budgeting how to set the bid

Case Study 2

Another partner decided to duplicate an insurance offer campaign, too — but for another GEO and platform, this time. The initial one looked the following:

  • Budget: $7,706
  • GEO: UK
  • OS: Android
  • Desired bid: $5.07
  • Bidding model: CPA Goal

After the duplication, PropellerAds algorithms split the budget in approximately a 50/50 ratio: $4,019 was left for the original campaign, and $3,687 went to the duplicate.

new feature subzone

In a month, both campaigns were like this:

Campaign nameClicksConversionsCRSpendingProfit ROIConversion Price

What happened?

  1. 1. Again, the CR of a duplicated campaign is almost two times bigger: 3,94% vs. 2,16% makes a difference! 
  2. 2. The difference in spending was also pretty visible: the duplicate required $341 less. 
  3. 3. The conversion price of the duplicate was a bit lower: $4.44 instead of $4.61.
  4. 4. With the lower budget, the ROI of the duplicated campaign was 3% higher.

So, the Summary

As you can see, duplicated campaigns did perform better because of more precise targeting based on historical data and auto-optimization of the budget and conversion numbers.

  • Campaign CR in both cases almost doubled
  • The conversion price of the duplicated campaigns did not exceed the initial bid and was even a bit lower. 
  • The spending on duplicate campaigns was lower than the original’s — and the profits were higher. 

As a result, the campaign ROI increased — without any additional effort from our partners.

The same can happen with your campaigns, too — so don’t hesitate to try it out!


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