AdvertisingAffiliate Marketing

How Can an Account Manager Help Agencies and Affiliates?

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Affiliate marketing and media buying can be tricky – so many campaigns, so many strategies. To be precise, each campaign is unique, and it’s not that easy to figure out what is going to work for you and how to reach the most converting audience. 

What if you get lost in your stats without realizing why you don’t get the desired results? What if you suspect that your strategy is not efficient enough, but have no idea how to improve it? 

In such cases, you need someone well-versed and experienced to lend you a helping hand. A personal manager. 

Can you get a personal manager at PropellerAds?

Yes, you can get a personal manager, right after you achieve the Gold status of your account. 

This happens when your spend makes $5000 per month and more. The estimation is done at the end of each month. And here is what you get exactly: 

  • Prioritized moderation of your campaigns 
  • Speedy responses from the Customer Support team
  • Personal manager to help you invent efficient launch and optimization strategies 

Okay, let’s imagine that you have already compiled the condition and now you have a manager. What’s next?

Which issues your personal manager can help you solve?

In general, as we have hinted in the first part, your personal manager can help you deal with the most possible questions regarding your campaign launch and further improvement. For example: 

  • What is the best way to launch your campaign?
  • Which creatives would most likely work for your offer or product?
  • Which formats suit your offer perfectly? 
  • Which GEOs could bring you money? 
  • How to use the platform’s instruments smartly? Which tools do you need at the moment?
  • How to buy more traffic? 
  • How to reach your target audience?

And here is what Maria Kotova, Account Strategist Group Team lead at PropellerAds, says about the benefits of having a manager:

“Your account manager will share their expertise and tell you, based on his/her vast experience and professional skills, how to start a campaign with high chances for success. They will help you choose the format and price model, plus – explain how to combine your campaigns smartly to achieve the best possible results and reach the most relevant audiences for your offer.

Also, our managers will analyze your offer and expectations to advise creatives relevant to certain GEOs. They will suggest suitable tools to boost performance and get more conversions, attract the most active users, reach out to your existing users to re-engage them, and lead through the purchase funnel of your product.  

The variety and depth of the approaches will depend a lot on your testing budget. If you have opportunities to test different options, combining and optimizing them, you can find the most efficient way to work with your audience and find top converting sources to work out an ideal long-term purchase strategy, which will help you maximize your profits from cooperation with PropellerAds. So in most cases, it’s not going to be just a one-time solution, but a whole strategy to apply further. 

Also, your account manager can help you track your balance (in addition to multiple automatic notifications you have). In case your bank transfer is delayed or something, your account manager will help to approve a temporary credit limit if you provide proof of payment – this way, your campaigns won’t stop.”

Real cases: how do our managers solve issues?

We believe that real examples speak better than words, so let us show you how managers helped advertisers and agencies with their campaigns. 

Case 1: Manager helps to change the creatives

  • Offer type: Extensions 
  • GEO: USA
  • Pricing model: CPA Goal
  • Format: Popunder ads
  • Problem: Low traffic and conversion volumes
  • Solution from a manager: advertiser’s personal manager analyzed the campaign and suggested changing the landing page
  • Result: 2-4 times CR boost    

The suggested solution improved campaign performance, boosted eCPM, and, this way – brought larger traffic volumes. 

Now let’s see the statistics and check how CR was growing:


Case 2: Manager helps to change the testing approach

  • Offer type: Mobile Content
  • GEO: PL
  • Pricing Model: CPA Goal
  • Format: Onclick
  • Desired conversion price: $2
  • Problem: during the testing period, the campaign gets more expensive conversions than wanted
  • Solution from a manager: activating the Offer function. 

Our partner has two landing pages for one product, and the Offer function was used for both.

Quick hint: What is an Offer function? This function allows an advertiser to create his own data storage where all the information about his product and previous performance is kept. When the new tests are launched, all the previous data about campaign performance is used, which makes the launch more optimal and budget-safe. 


Let’s take a look at statistics of the first two days after the campaign launch and compare them. Please mind that all the next days the campaigns were being optimized by our system to ensure the desired result. 

So, a test of the first landing without the Offer function:

Total: $2.35

With the Offer function activated, the tests showed:


As you can see, two tests of the same offer show great results, which means that the Offer function really did the job, and it was not a lucky coincidence. 

Now the second landing page. It didn’t really work without the Offer function, so it was stopped on the very first day:


And the test results with the Offer function look this way:


The problem was solved, and the desired conversion price was reached almost immediately after starting the test. Just to remind you, these campaigns worked before, which allowed the system to gather necessary information and, therefore – optimize things properly. For the first time you use the Offer tool and add it to the campaign, it will collect data and will not affect the tests.


As you can see, managers have an eye for ad campaigns, and they can choose the best approach to your issue. This might be anything, including recommending top converting offers, testing new creatives, or trying another approach to testing, or using specific PropellerAds tools. 

Your personal manager will analyze the campaign and see how to bring it to life in the most efficient way possible. Cooperate with PropellerAds and never neglect an opportunity to get professional guidance!

 Any questions? Welcome to our Telegram Chat!


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