AdvertisingAffiliate Marketing

What’s Wrong with Redirects and What to Do?

what's wrong with redirects

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Tracking your ad campaigns correctly is a sure way to get detailed information about performance and make all of your fancy AI-based tools work properly. In turn, the more precise data you have, the more efficiently you can optimize a campaign and, therefore – the more money you can get. 

Sure thing, you need to use trackers, but using third-party solutions also leads to an additional link in the chain of redirects. According to our tests, with too many redirects, you might lose about 30% of your traffic and, therefore – a part of your income. 

How to avoid that? 

Smart tracking is crucial to avoid traffic losses 

Media buyers and advertisers use S2S (server-to-server) trackers to ensure proper work of the AI-based tools and make sense of their statistics for further testing and optimization. This is especially important if they purchase traffic from multiple networks simultaneously. 

Obviously, the more traffic from PropellerAds reaches your landing page, the more money you can get. There are two core factors that influence traffic amount:

  • How many redirects are there between the traffic source and your landing page?
  • How fast do those redirects and your landing page work?

Here is what the potential way of your traffic may look like when you use a stand-alone tracker:


So, third-party trackers cause additional redirects (sometimes, multiple) before reaching the landing page. 

And the fewer redirects, the more users will reach the end-point and hopefully – convert. Still, you can make the whole process more efficient without sacrificing anything! Here is how.  

How to work with trackers smartly and avoid losing traffic?

There are two key ways to work with trackers correctly:

  • Drive traffic from PropellerAds directly to your landing page using our S2S tracker instead of stand-alone solutions. This way, you will get precise stats, ensure proper work of the optimization tools like CPA Goal, and evaluate the efficiency of your traffic purchase. Another advantage of this method: you don’t need to make any settings manually.
  • Use the “no-redirect-tracking” function within other trackers, like this one in Voluum or in BeMob. This will take some time and effort to set everything up, but after you do, you will be able to direct traffic to your landing page without obstacles. The stats will appear in a tracker. 

Here is what Petr Garmashov, the Head of Products at PropellerAds, says:

“The less in-betweeners are involved in the ad-delivering process, the better results you get. As our tests show, redirects can cause traffic losses, so the fewer redirects you have, the better. 

I recommend forwarding traffic from PropellerAds right to your landing page and using our in-house tracking solution to measure and evaluate your ROI and profit. 

Cloud-based trackers are also an option, but you should enable the “no-redirect-tracking” function. Also, remember that they require some technical skills – you need to know how to set the JS code to your landing to avoid redirects. The choice is yours”. 

Tracking is a smart decision, but tracking smartly is real wisdom! Consider the two scenarios described above and avoid losing your precious traffic. And just to remind you – we have a powerful S2S tracker at PropellerAds to help you track, optimize, and earn more! 

Let’s discuss campaign tracking and redirects in our cozy Telegram Chat!


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