AdvertisingAffiliate Marketing

No Pain, No Gain: How to Understand Your Customer’s Pain Points

Customer pain points

Being empathetic is the kind of interpersonal skills that get you good friends at school and at the office, but not a lot of affiliates consider it an ability that’s critical for marketing success. But, having the capacity to put yourself in other people’s shoes and understand their pain points can actually give you a huge advantage over your competitors.

Although affiliates work restlessly to build a connection with their audience, the best way to show your viewers appreciation is to understand the challenges they face.

Not only will it give you an idea of the type of approach that may entice your potential customers, but it also allows you to become familiar with your audiences’ overall preferences.

Below, we’ve put together a quick guide to help you grasp the importance of customer pain points and give you a few tips on how to identify them.

Why Should Affiliates Focus on Customer Pain Points?

All users who see your ads have the chance of becoming customers. That said, if you want to design alluring creatives, you have to understand the challenges your audience faces.

If your potential customers can relate to your ad, it will attract their attention and spark their curiosity. In most cases, this translates to more traffic, a higher CTR, and increased conversions, all of which should give your campaign a significant boost in performance. 

Types of Pain Points Explained

Despite the fact that consumers are all unique, these individuals face similar challenges that directly influence the way they interact with your ads. By examining these challenges, you’ll be able to take an approach that makes your targets feel like you understand their struggle, and therefore, probably know how to solve it as well.

You can target the following types of pain points consumers face:

  • Money and Financial Struggles

The most common challenges faced by consumers are financial woes and money struggles. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have an income. It simply means that they have a limited budget that allows them to purchase products and services, but they have to be careful about how much they spend and how often.

  • Convenience

Most customers also want to find a convenient solution to their problems. For instance, busy people that want whiter teeth may not have the time to go to the dentist, but they are usually open to purchasing innovative LED equipment and conducting cleaning sessions at home.

  • Functionality and Practical Features

Besides being convenient and easy to use, consumers also want to have features that work as advertised. For instance, if you’re promoting an electronic gadget, you have to make sure that all parts of the product work without any problems.

  • Design and Appearance

Humans are visual creatures and we intake a lot of information through our eyes. This means that the product you’re offering also has to fulfill aesthetic requirements. That being said, consumers love innovation and advancement, so you can always get creative and try promoting different products that you think look eye-catching.

  • Control

Most people want to feel like they are in control and the easiest way to ensure this is to promote products that are easy to use and understand. That said, there are some exceptions to the rule, especially if your audience is the young traveler type!

How Can You Understand Your Customer’s Pain Points?

Understand your customers’ pain points can be challenging, but you should be able to figure out as long as you invest time into researching your audience.

To identify your audience’s biggest challenges, you should: 

#1 Check Numbers and Statistics

Trends, vogues, and statistics found on pages like Statista and Google Trends allow you to determine which general movements are influencing your audience. You can use this as a starting point and identify the trends that shape the industries you’re familiar with. And, you can also spot additional pain points that allow you to develop better approaches.

For example, looking at this table you can understand whether a $50 candy CPA offer has a chance or not. Type: Money and Financial struggles

Understand and Map the Customers’ Process

Next, you should try to dissect the customer’s purchase process as much as possible. If you identify the key moments in your customer’s decision-making process, you’ll be able to deliver personalized messages that address specific pain points at critical stages, which will improve your chances of converting visitors into customers.

Forums, Blogs, Social Media, and Similar Outlets

To get a real, honest feel of your customers’ opinion, then you should turn to blogs, social media outlets, forums, and similar platforms that people use to start conversations. These are the platforms that most people use to complain, so employing social listening tools may also improve the efficiency of this particular step.

Pro Tip: use the exact wording that a person gives in describing his/her problem. Speak your target audience’s language.

Negative Competitor Reviews

Lastly, take a look at negative competitor reviews, see what they are being criticized for, and avoid committing the same mistake at all costs. Furthermore, you should also include these details in your creatives and remind customers that the product you’re promoting doesn’t have these shortcomings.

PropellerAds - pain points - how to use negative competitor reviews
Here’s an example of a negative review. Check what a person complains about and make sure to mention that your product is fresh.

Learning how to identify and understand your customer’s pain points can have a great effect on the performance of your campaign. That said, you also need to take the time and learn how to spot these struggles and turn them into something positive for your product.

If you want to learn more about the pain points of the world of affiliate marketing, stay tuned and join our Telegram Chat!


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