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From Fish Startup to Affiliate Marketing: a Head-Spinning Story of Our Partner


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Today, we have something special for you – this is a real story about our partner, his experience, and professional route. How to start your affiliate marketing activity even if you are pretty far from the niche?

Life-changing decisions and head-spinning shifts are waiting for you in today’s interview with Anton Trantin, an affiliate marketer, IT guy, and startupper. 

Before the COVID-19 pandemics, Anton was engaged into an international startup company aimed at fish trade. Because of the global quarantine, the fish business suffered as any other segment of the food industry, so our partner decided to put his mind to the online environment.

This is where his journey to affiliate marketing started. We’ve had an enjoyable talk with Anton and will gladly share our bright conversation with you.

So, Anton, could you please tell us a bit about the fish startup you were involved in? What’s that?

I met my business partner Dmitry Maksimenko in 2013 and we started working together. Dmitry is knowledgeable in the seafood market and I am IT-savvy. Our future brand Yorso (Your Remote Sales Office) started with an idea to solve the main problem of the market – speed.

From the very beginning, we aimed at cross-border trading and our first customers were from Russia, Morocco, China, and Mauritania. Dmitry established business connections and I wrote code for the platform. 

With time, the scope of our business grew broader. We worked on the international level and cooperated with fish suppliers from numerous spots on the globe. In a while, we realized that the time has come to gather a team and grow.

And why did you decide to switch to affiliate marketing?

During the COVID-19 pandemics, we lost all of our customers. Technologies were not their priority during that period, since they had more important things to care about, like saving their business. I left the project, but my co-founder and his small team are working on this startup up to now.  

A fish startup requires significant investments and time before they actually return and grow. There are risks you cannot cover during the turbulent times of COVID. So I decided to start working on alternative income opportunities. I became interested in mobile apps monetization for the massive B2C market.

I believe this market lacks high-quality products and advanced technological solutions. So I could contribute. 

And you choose PropellerAds as an advertising platform. Do you have any feedback to share with us? 

Yeah, sure. I have a couple of points about Propeller to highlight. First, I am impressed with the traffic quality. During my work, not even a single bot was detected. I can count on Propeller – whenever I pay for American users, I know that they come from this GEO for sure. No VPN tricks or something like that are possible.  

Second, I appreciate the speed and expertise of Propeller’s customer support team. They are very responsive and qualified. 

Third, platform usability – it’s really cool and convenient! Propeller doesn’t rely on bells and whistles, but provides the best functionality in the industry. Platform’s main focus is UX and advertiser flow, which deserves special credit. 

And the last point is traffic volumes. They are huge. 

Thanks, we are happy to hear that! With such a positive note, let’s come back to your affiliate journey. Have you been interested in affiliate marketing before?

Actually, not. I have never been interested in affiliate marketing as it is. What is more, my journey started with programming, not promotion. 

I developed an analytical tool for affiliate marketing campaigns to make marketers’ lives easier. The market is Android Utilities. This tool helps people automate numerous actions and therefore – save their precious time.

I believe that automation is everything – you rely on advanced tools and algorithms instead of doing boring and routine tasks manually. 

Tell us a bit more about your product and the way you see affiliate marketing as a whole.

When I entered the world of affiliate marketing, I realized that this market really lacks high-quality products. As such, I realized that honesty and quality will be my main competitive advantages. 

I work with Utilities. The strategy is as follows: I define the users’ needs, search for a technical solution, write code, and offer my own product to the audience. My application has an audience of 500K+ DAU (Daily Active Users), I promote it around the world, so I work with all the GEOs. For my campaigns, I use all the traffic types available at the PropellerAds network. 

My aim is to offer value and efficiency instead of looking for a fast income. I am ready to work hard on the quality to put forward a new format of affiliate marketing and improve the niche as a whole.

The idea is to find the main issue common to all affiliates, create a really useful product, and sell it. As I have already mentioned, the main principle is convenience for users and maximal automation of work, especially when it comes to stats and making sense of them.

Sounds great! As a final word, could you please tell us a bit about your future plans?  

Of course. My plans are to break fresh ground in affiliate marketing and present really valuable and quality products. Also, I am thinking about B2B activity and long-term projects, as well. We’ll see!

Thanks, Anton! It was a pleasure to meet you.

And I thank you!

So, every affiliate marketer has his own way to success. We hope that Anton’s story inspired you to conquer new peaks and grow! 

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