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10 Best Affiliate Marketing Courses in 2023

10 best affiliate marketing courses

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Affiliate marketing is a fast-growing industry full of potential, and it seems everybody wants to get a piece of that pie.

Do you see yourself taking a bite? Are you hooked on the idea of becoming a successful affiliate? 

That’s fine, don’t be shy, just keep on reading. BUT know this – to be successful in this line of business demands determination, commitment, serious networking, and a lot of knowledge.

Constantly growing as an affiliate is a must in order to stay on top of the game, but it all starts with the basics, which is why affiliate certification courses are marketers’ Holy Bible.

It’s where they can learn their first steps, how to think and breathe as affiliates, and most importantly – how to make money!

Affiliate marketing courses are there to teach you key principles and strategies, and to help you get familiar with all the tools that could increase the chance of your success.

Ultimate Beginners guide to affiliate marketing

But there are also some courses intended for industry experts, media buyers, and business owners, so don’t dismiss us, stay here and see what we have prepared.

Here is the list of the top 10 affiliate marketing courses in 2023 with all the information regarding the course duration, its goals, main topics, target audience, and prices.

You can thank us later.

Above all – PropellerAds

But before we start with the official list, let us remind you of our own – PropellerAds educational resources and activities that could really help you understand and conquer the affiliate world.

We have materials on affiliate marketing for our fellow affiliates, but also we prepared a lot of advanced content about media buying for agencies and marketers. Besides that, there is in-depth information on campaign optimization and marketing strategy scaling (with examples!) for more experienced users.


And let’s not forget about our precious tutorials tied to the PropellerAds platform that can help you better understand the specific features and targeting, as well as auto-optimization bidding models.

There are four categories we are proud of regarding this matter:

#1 E-books

#2 Case studies

#3 Videos and webinars

#4 Our help center

Free e-books we provide give a thorough insight into ad trends, buying traffic, and the best ad formats for paid campaigns. 

These digital guides we composed were based on deep research. We offer statistics, analyze trends, and give an incredible amount of information our sales team gathered on numerous topics – trending GEOs, optimization, tips on how to work with competitive verticals, emerging market trends, etc.

On the other hand, our many case studies will offer inspiration and proof of how great success is possible with the right partner and the right guidelines.

Our insightful webinars, feature presentations, and ad format tutorials will amuse you and clarify so many specifics, and for any questions or uncertainties, there is a PropellerAds help center at your disposal any time.

Now, let’s dive into the best affiliate courses overview.

Affiliate Lab

Best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Affiliate lab
Target audience:Beginners and more advanced affiliates
Duration/Steps:160 videos
Hosts/Experts:Course creator – Matt Diggity

Affiliate Lab is intended for people who are just starting to build their name in the affiliate world, mainly through SEO, and have their own site.

Goal: To make yourself a site that earns you freedom and income every month. 

There are a great number of positive reviews on this course, and it goes pretty deep into the subject it covers. The tone of voice is very friendly, which makes it easier to grasp the material and not get bored quickly, and the host goes straight to the point.

The topics it covers are: 

  • Niche selection
  • Onsite SEO
  • Site architecture
  • Content building
  • Site building
  • Onsite optimization
  • Monetization
  • Offsite SEO
  • Conversion rate optimization
  • Backlink strategy
  • Social media creation
  • Website maintenance

More than enough for you to get confidence and start building a strong and well-optimized website for affiliate marketing.

Bonus: Matt regularly updates his content and adds materials. He is actually one of a few affiliate marketing course creators who really works on his program, which is of great importance given that SEO is an ever-changing thing. As a result, you will always get fresh tips on how not to get banned. 

scaling to new markets

Commission Academy

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Commission academy
Target audience:Beginner affiliates
Duration/Steps:16 videos
Hosts/Experts:Dale & Simon

If you are thinking about entering the affiliate world and, in the long run, playing with big boys like Amazon, Etsy, or Shopify, it can be useful to go through these 16 videos Commission Academy provided.

Goal: To build and launch a website, create selling content, learn about mailing lists, and how to do a keyword search.

The truth is this free affiliate marketing course isn’t rated so well, mostly because it’s not as in-depth as other courses, but it is quite a good introduction to affiliate marketing. Also, it suggests advanced training afterward. 

Topics covered with the basic course are:

  • What is affiliate marketing
  • Can you make money with affiliate marketing
  • Reasons to start with affiliate marketing
  • Success stories
  • How to choose a niche
  • How to build a website

Advanced course talks about:

  • Google Analytics basics
  • Monetization + monitoring SEO results
  • Internal links
  • Growing email list
  • Chatbots
  • Paid ads

The course is free, but short and limited only on the basics of affiliate marketing. However, it is highly motivational and encouraging – which for beginners can be very beneficial.

reasons why others don't convert

ClickBank Spark

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - ClickBank spark
Target audience:Beginners, moneymakers (all verticals)
Duration/Steps:17 lessons (5-10 videos each)
Hosts/Experts:Challenges are led by Robby Blanchard and Ben Harris
Cost:From $47 to $97 a month / or $2,000 one-time payment

This particular affiliate marketing course is created for newbies, yet there are inconsistencies given some of the topics go beyond the supposed knowledge of beginners.

Goal: Make your first $2,000 in 90 days.

The course is certified, and it mainly has good reviews – the teaching manner is friendly and provides insights into many important aspects, like content types, first ad creation, tools of digital marketing, etc.

ClickBank Spark course covers:

  • Internet marketing 101
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Product owners
  • Direct response psychology
  • Compliance
  • What makes an online offer
  • Content types
  • Tools of digital marketing
  • Affiliate quick start guide
  • Creating your first ad
  • Digital product

However, there are things course participants complained about, like the lack of success stories and advanced information, or the fact the course might cost you more than you predicted – with a basic package ($47) you pay separately for different courses, community participation, and for tools.

Trending GEOs 2023: PropellerOnAir 9th Podcast with Thomas McMahon from ClickBank

The Passive Income Unlocked Protocol

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Passive income unlocked
Target audience:Beginners, affiliates AND media buyers
Duration/Steps:50 videos
Hosts/Experts:Jeff Bridenstine and Ben Esman
Cost:From $107 per 6 months

Everything you will come across at The Passive Income Unlocked Protocol course is intended for beginners only, advanced marketers won’t find it adequate for their level of expertise and knowledge.

Goal: Create a recurring passive income stream.

The topics are structured in a way that’s useful for both affiliates and media buyers. However, at moments the course tends to go pretty deep into the topic, which is way above beginners’ heads.

Here you will find:

  • Niche selection
  • Finding topics
  • Finding right keywords
  • Analyzing the competition
  • Naming your site
  • Installing WP
  • Publishing posts
  • Adding and optimizing images
  • Monitoring and tracking
  • Growing your traffic
  • Logo and homepage
  • Site monetization

The course is positively rated, the tone of voice is engaging and exudes a friendly vibe, but we would say the course content could be a bit simplified.

Adsterra: Free Affiliate Marketing Course

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Adsterra
Target audience:Beginner affiliate marketers
Duration/Steps:21 video
Hosts/Experts:Eugenia Douglas

Free affiliate marketing crash course? Sounds pretty good to me.

Adsterra experts will guide you through the main affiliate steps, with a focus on teaching you how to run campaigns on Adsterra platform.

Goal: Set out a transparent plan of how to build your online business.

If you are making first steps into an affiliate business, it would be useful to go through these 21 lessons that will show you how to start with the Adsterra platform – how to choose the right niche, target and optimize your campaign, but also set up the conversion tracking.

The course structure is this:

  • Affiliate marketing basics
  • Affiliate marketing tools
  • Ad campaign
  • Campaign optimization
  • About Adsterra

The Adsterra course material is not complicated, so will definitely suit total beginners.

comunity-based marketing

The Media Buyer Bootcamp

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Media buying bootcamp
Target audience:Media buyers, business owners, agencies, and consultants
Duration/Steps:5 weeks = 10 sessions
Hosts/Experts:Aaron Parkinson, Andy McDuff

Here’s something a bit different – a guide for new and seasoned media buyers that will lead you through all the necessary steps for you to create and succeed with a marketing strategy in place.

Goal: Learn to plan, execute, measure, and optimize an integrated paid marketing strategy that drives tangible results. All that in just four weeks!

The Media Buyer Bootcamp consists of 10 webinars, and it requires its participants to do homework in order to complete the course.

The Bootcamp structure contains:

  • Avatar (empathy mapping)
  • Channel selection and “paid” organic strategy
  • Metrics and modeling
  • Messaging and creative
  • Facebook, Instagram, & Tiktok
  • Youtube and search traffic
  • Testing and optimization
  • Scaling and optimization
  • A step-by-step growth plan for AFTER your ads are working

As an additional plus – if you decide to register and finish the course, you will be given certification, aside from knowledge.

user acquisition strategy for apps

Hubspot: Paid Media Course – Learn how to build a paid media strategy

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Hubspot
Target audience:Aspiring marketers, marketing managers, directors
Duration/Steps:14 videos
Hosts/Experts:10 experts – internal experts and agencies

A general overview of the Hubspot course is this: it’s a good entry point for newbies, and the content is very basic. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Goal: Learn how to allocate budget, and how to plan, buy and optimize your paid media efforts.

There are pretty much only positive reviews of the course, and the topics of it are:

  • Fundamentals of paid media
  • Building a paid media plan
  • Maximizing your paid media budget
  • Using reporting to optimize your paid media
  • If, when, and how to work with a paid media agency

The course is free and certified, created with affiliate newcomers in mind, and what’s interesting is that a good number of experts, all in their own manner, will lead you through the learning process.

how to get targeted traffic

Commission Hero

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Commission hero
Target audience:Beginners and intermediate-level affiliates
Duration/Steps:Around 40 videos
Hosts/Experts:Robby Blanchard
Cost:$1,000 minimum / $2,997 for lifetime inner circle member

This one is among the most expensive affiliate marketing courses since $1,000 is the price for a basic package. You will need another few thousand to launch ads and $10 to $20k for private coaching.

Goal: Make $1,000 per day.

The Commission Hero course is very detailed, and it contains step-by-step guides for all of the course sections. The host made sure to cover and describe literally everything. That’s the reason young affiliates might be a bit overwhelmed.

Regarding the tone of voice, some say it’s enthusiastic and friendly, while others define it as a bit technical and too slow. So it’s a matter of opinion really.

In this course, you will learn about:

  • Choosing the right offers
  • Finding your ad image
  • Setting up a landing page
  • FB setup
  • Setting up FB pixel
  • Tracking and scaling
  • Bonuses
  • Featured offers

There were complaints about the process being confusing and about not having a support system and help available.

SemRush: PPC Automation Course with Navah Hopkins

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Semrush
Target audience:Beginners and intermediate-level affiliates & media buyers
Duration/Steps:9 videos
Hosts/Experts:Navah Hopkins
Cost:Demands only SemRush account

SemRush’s course is detailed and provides a lot of info on the subject, but our feeling is that it might be too theoretical for someone who’s looking for very practical tips.

Goal: Know how to maximize conversions with different types of automation in your PPC campaigns.

It is intended for both green affiliates and those with intermediate affiliate knowledge, and it comes with a certification at the end of the course.

The structure of the course is this:

  • Defining automation 
  • Test your knowledge
  • Conditions of successful automation
  • Automated bidding
  • Non-search auto-bidding
  • Responsive creative ads
  • Campaign automation overview
  • In-depth smart campaign set-ups
  • Switching between automated & manual
  • Certification exam

“Learn about how to bid strategies, non-search automation, responsive search ads, and smart campaigns can all help maximize conversions for your paid search ads.”

Voluum Academy

Propellerads - best affiliate marketing courses in 2023 - Voluum
Target audience:Beginners
Duration/Steps:3 courses / 106 lessons
Hosts/Experts:Agnieszka Hirsz

Last but not least is this Voluum Academy free course for beginner-level affiliates.

Goal: Learn how to start affiliate marketing, and how to set up and optimize your first affiliate campaign.

The course is divided into three parts, it’s certified, and it is very well structured – you will be led through the subject gradually, with an opportunity to test your knowledge through some tasks – creating accounts, finding offers, etc.

Bear in mind that you will mostly be redirected to reading materials since every lesson has videos only as an intro.

The main topics of the course are:

  • Intro to affiliate marketing
  • First steps
  • Niches and verticals
  • Ad formats
  • Offers
  • Landing pages
  • Traffic
  • Campaign tracking
  • Affiliate mindset
  • Biggest affiliate mistakes
  • Time to act

PropellerAds and Zeydoo CPA Network partnered with Voluum because we believe this course covers all the bases of affiliate marketing.

Final Thoughts

American actress Lillian Gish once said:

“A happy life is one spent in learning, earning, and yearning”.

With this article, we covered guidelines for the first two segments, the last one is up to you to figure out.

Wish you the best of luck!

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