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LATAM Affiliate Marketing: Find the Way to Latin America’s Heart


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LATAM is Latin America, a pretty huge region that includes Central and South American countries and the Caribbean. These are diverse lands with a large population, developed Internet communications, and a rapidly growing digital market. 

Indeed, since LATAM is one of the most evolving digital ad markets on the world map, affiliates find it really interesting. According to Statista, LATAM can boast a two-percent share of the global digital advertising market, which is already 11 billion US dollars. And it’s growing! 

The best news for affiliates – the ad prices are still medium here, users are not suspicious about ads, and the market is not so crowded yet. So working with LATAM you have all chances to stuff your pockets with dollars – you just need a strategy. And this is exactly what we are going to give you today. 

LATAM in general: a small overview

Languages: Mostly Spanish and Portuguese;

Countries: 33, including Brazil, Mexico, and Chile,  Argentina – the most developed in terms of digital marketing;

Population: 664 million people, which is 8,42% of the world population;

Number of internet users: 444 million users.

These statistics show the Internet penetration in LATAM in 2022 (we took the most developed countries as an example):


As for digital ad spending, we have very interesting data to share about Latin America. On the global scope, LATAM countries take the leading positions worldwide. According to eMarketer, these regions got ahead of Europe and the USA during the last years. Here are the numbers:


As you can see from the graph, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Mexico, and Brazil are the leaders here. And all of these countries belong to LATAM.  

Now let’s move to the details and see how to arrange your LATAM campaign properly and earn money.

Top verticals in LATAM

Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Columbia, and other GEOs of LATAM can become your affiliate marketing destinations. These countries have a huge amount of traffic (not the most expensive one), while the users are still not overwhelmed with tons of ads, which affects ROI positively. As for the verticals most suitable for LATAM, basing on our tests and stats, we would recommend the following:


GEOs: Brazil and Mexico
Ad formats: Popunder for Mexico; Popunder, Push and In-Page Push for Brazil
Device: Mobile
Platform: Android 
Offer flow: Direct transfer to a landing page, no pre-lander

According to our statistics, iGaming is the best vertical in LATAM. And the most profitable branch is Sports. 

Latin America has their football league Copa Libertadores and a huge population fond of this sport. Brazilians love football like nobody else, they never miss matches as well as the opportunity to support their favorite teams (mostly, local, of course).

By the way, Copa Libertadores 2022 is currently on the run and will continue until October, so you can launch your Sport-related campaign and make some money right now! You can find a schedule here.  

One of our partners already did that – he promoted a Sports offer during football. The idea of the offer is an opportunity to support the favorite and get a bonus for registration:


This landing page is aimed at Brazilian users, that is why it is colored with the national flag shades. And the happy supporters are also Brazilians, which is important – users can relate to them from the first sight. By the way, for more iGaming creatives’ insights, check this article.

The text is standard: You can get a 50 BRL bonus to play for registration – It’s free, just register and try to win! Three steps are described below + an offer description with the company information was located at the bottom of the page – just to increase the reliability level.


GEOs: Mexico, Columbia, Brazil
Ad formats: Push (+Badges), In-Page Push, and Popunder
Device: Mobile
Platform: Android 
Offer flow: Pre-lander is recommended 

As for the Finance offers, really great options here are various bonuses, cards, loans, and investments. Mind that LATAM has its own banks – BVA in Mexico or Santander in Brazil. 

Here is an example of a creative:


The text translated as: “Simple card registration, fill out the form, and get your card.” 

In some LATAM countries, like Chile and Argentina, inflation took place in recent years. For that reason, people started being interested in alternative financial operations, like crypto. For such offers, you are recommended to use pre-landers with success stories – say, a story about someone who managed to earn money with cryptocurrency. Such stories include a very important marketing element – social proof – and it always works well.

What is more, as Push ads and In-Page Push ads work really efficiently for Finance offers in LATAM, don’t forget to try adding our new CTR-boosting feature – Badges! According to our tests, for this vertical, you may consider such as: Voice, Touch, Cup, Monetization, Diamond, Cart, and Swipe.


GEOs: Mexico, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, and Argentina 
Ad formats: Push (+Badges), Popunder, and Interstitial 
Device: Mobile
Platform: Android 
Offer flow: Pre-lander is recommended 

In LATAM countries, mobile traffic is on the raise. Most Internet users prefer smartphones instead of laptops, so various mobile utilities are great for your promotions. Cleaners, memory boosters, VPNs, and antiviruses are a good choice for your next campaign. As for the platform, make sure to target Android users.  

As for creatives, they can be pretty simple for this GEO, like this one:


Mind the text – it is written in Portuguese. It says: “Keep your smartphone safe, try this app IMMEDIATELY!” 

And now see a pre-lander:


Just to remind you, timer is a nice marketing move – whenever you locate it on your pre-lander, it evokes a sense of urgency. Pure psychology and nothing more – people are more likely to act when they have limited offers, being afraid of missing the chance. 


GEOs: Brazil and Mexico
Ad formats: Push Notifications
Device: Mobile
Platform: Android 
Offer flow: Pre-lander is recommended 

Dating is always a win-win vertical for most GEOs. In LATAM, various applications for communication and flirting are rather popular, while the affiliate marketing approaches are pretty much standard. Like in most other GEOs, you may use photos of ladies and men for your banners and pre-landers, making them look natural and appealing. Pre-landers also work great for Dating, like this one:


The text is translated as: “Are you feeling lonely? Check this app and find new people!” When visitors click the button, they get to the app for chatting. 

The most efficient Dating offer flow for LATAM looks like this: 

Push Notification > pre-lander > application for chatting


GEOs: Brazil and Mexico
Ad formats: In-Page Push, Push Notifications and Onclick 
Device: Mobile and Desktop
Platform: Android and Windows
Offer flow: Pre-lander is recommended 

eCommerce is a bit less fruitful than other verticals listed above, but it still has all chances to fill your pockets with money. The best eCommerce offer types for LATAM are gadgets of all kinds (like smartphones and tablets), test drives for goods, and so-called smart alarms – security signal systems.

During quarantine, people were shopping online only and most of them enjoyed it, so eCommerce is an option for your LATAM campaign, as well.  

For eCommerce, it is especially important to have your pre-landers and banners translated into Portuguese.

Statistics to check out

Now let’s take a look at our partner’s campaign stats. Here are the basic details:

GEO: Mexico
Vertical: Utilities
Offer: Speed booster for smartphones
Platform: Android  
Period: 19-25 of May, 2022
Ad format: Push Notifications 
Badges used: Notification, Config, Bin, Lamp, Touch 

And here are the numbers: 

14 767 701215 43225451$25440,21,68

So, it really makes sense to launch your ads in LATAM – just check the number of conversions and revenue! For one week, our partner managed to get 25451 conversions and earn $2544. And you have all chances to get the same and even better results.

Now let’s see one of the creatives used:


Portuguese text means: “Keep your phone safe, Clear here”. This is an Android push notification with the Touch badge. 

The rest of creatives used were pretty much the same, except for the Badge – our partner used three more of them to maximize his profit. 

Summing up and extra-tips 

The best GEOs: Mexico and Brazil, but you can also try Peru, Columbia, and Argentina – they are associated with less competition for traffic, but perform pretty well;

The best verticals: iGaming is the most profitable one, Utilities, Finance, and Dating come next to iGaming, and eCommerce completes the list; 

Languages: Portuguese and Spanish are recommended; English is applicable for some GEOs, but less popular in general, so make sure you translate your creatives;

The most widespread platform: Android, Mobile;

Top ad formats: Popunder and Push Notifications + In-Page Push. For some verticals, like Utilities, you can also try Interstitial ads and even launch a Multiformat campaign with a number of different formats at once;

Recommended price models: CPA Goal and CPC for Push Notifications; CPA Goal, Smart CPM and CPM for Popunder; 

Recommended features: Auto-optimization tool for Push campaigns; Interests and Demographics Targeting for all formats; Multiformat campaign for Finance offers; Badges for Push Notifications; Traffic Estimator to check traffic volumes and choose the right GEO.  

Chosen offers to launch right now

So, you must be ready to launch your profitable and shiny LATAM campaign, aren’t you? Wait no longer! Just grab one of these amazing offers from Zeydoo CPA network:

Offer IDGEOVerticalFlowRate
Banco BV

Bigo Live

Mobile AppsCPI$0.240
Father’s Day

SweepstakesSOI registration$0.350
Itau Iti

My Mobile Source

Utilities CPI$0.440

Choose your offer and rush to your PropellerAds account – the time has come to earn real money!

If you already have experience with LATAM, tell us about your achievements in the  Telegram chat!


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