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Sports Campaigns Digest: PropellerAds’ Expertise for You


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So, during the last months, we have been actively researching and analyzing sports campaigns: trends, statistics, regulations, case studies, recommendations, etc. That was a productive time!

Now we want to sum up everything and make sure that you didn’t miss any of our materials. Check our sports campaigns digest, and don’t forget to bookmark it:

Statistics and research:


Test your knowledge:


Video guides on campaign launch: 

  • Football Campaigns for Affiliates, Part 1: Targeting – in the first part of our series, we talk about targeting and namely GEOs, ad formats, pricing models, and limitations you might face. How to choose the right GEO? Which verticals work best? Which platform, pricing model, and ad format are the most suitable for sports campaigns?
  • Hottest Verticals During the Football World Cup 2022 – from this video, you will find out which verticals to focus on and how to choose the right CPA offer when you are targeting the World Cup audience. We will focus on iGaming, Utilities, Extensions, and other winning verticals. 

Well, now you are fully equipped with the best insights we could share! Read and watch to get ready for the next sports event. Burst in like a boss!  

As always, don’t forget to join our Telegram Chat and share your impressions about our sports materials!


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