Case Studies

iGaming Case Study: Brazilian Advertiser Gets 100K Registrations & 10K+ FTDs


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iGaming! What a profitable industry everyone is willing to be a part of. Even though well-prepared iGaming campaigns can flourish all year round, during the largest matches like Euro or Champions League, our partners’ statistics turn green as trees in spring. 

One of PropellerAds’ largest advertisers has shared a magnificent iGaming case study, and our analytics team members – Karlina Berzina and Valeriy Puzankov – helped us to enrich it with practical tips.

So not only can you get amazed by our advertisers’ results, but you can also apply some of those efficient tricks in your own campaigns. 

Let’s dive into this blockbuster.

igaming trends Brazil 2024

Campaign basics 

  • GEO: Brazil
  • Ad format: Popunder, Classic Push, In-Page Push
  • Traffic source: PropellerAds
  • Conversion type: registration on the website ($4), FTD ($40)
  • Campaign period: March 2024 – now
  • Conversion tracker: PropellerAds’ in-house tracker
  • Pricing models: CPA Goal, SmartCPM, CPM
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That profitable iGaming journey

Our hero today is a PropellerAds direct advertiser who works in a team and operates an iGaming resource. Once they came to PropellerAds, they desired CPL and CPA (in their case, the FTD, aka first-time deposit price) to be set as a KPI. And they did it, remaining completely satisfied with their ROI and profit. 

With the help of PropellerAds managers, the team has launched more than 50 campaigns till now. The testing started with Popunder as an optimal format for iGaming.

Why? Because it’s interactive!

And also gives you wide reach and provides some space to locate catchy visuals/text as well as uncover the conditions of participation which is necessary for 99% iGaming offers.

During the testing period, the zone list was created and then – tested on CPA. Keeping the zone list in mind, campaigns were optimized, and the time for scaling came…

iGaming SEO: Secret Techniques and Specifics

It was the end of April 2024 when In-Page Push and Classic Push campaigns were also launched. In a very short while, these campaigns also showed successful CPAs. 

So, what’s next?

Creatives that worked

For iGaming campaigns, our partners chose as interactive creatives as possible. We cannot share the actual ones for confidentiality reasons, but here are some examples that demonstrate the principles:

Propellerads - Creatives

What do we see above? A sweeps-like roulette with three available spins. Interactive? Yes. Easy to jump in? For sure. This is exactly what you need according to our analytics Karlina and Valeriy:

“We advise using something interactive, which implies the user getting into play mode and clicking a few times to get engaged. Not only a game but also some sort of small survey or registration form straight on the prelander may work.”

What about Push? Let’s see some nice examples, as well:


You might have noticed that the text is written in Portuguese, which is the most widespread language in Brazil and the target GEO of our case study. And here is the comment from our analytics team: 

“It’s always better to use local language in Push creatives. This way, you will increase chances for conversion for sure. Before launching a campaign for certain GEOs, make sure that you do a little research and see which language is the most popular there.” 

Success in numbers: statistics and results 

Now, let’s move on to the numbers. Here are the statistics by months, where you can clearly see the overall tendency, mostly reflected in conversions growth (just to remind you – in our case, these are registrations and FTDs) and a CPA cost drop: 

2024-0221,585,691135,5947549$38 191$5,05
2024-0362,872,249734,70724823$100 437$4,04
2024-0494,417,897990,74634315$125 086$3,6

The first month was devoted to testing, so the budget was about $40K. Since things were going well, after zone optimization our partner increased the budget to $50K. This was exactly the month when he reached his desired KPI! Due to incredibly successful results, the budget was increased again and made $70+K.


Also, let’s see the statistics divided by days, so that you can see the daily growth in registrations/FTDs and spend while the CPL drop: 


Conclusions and lessons learned

We present some of the takeaways from our analytics regarding this case. Keep them in mind for your iGaming campaigns:

PropellerAds -iGaming-Content-Strategy

“During the first days, Popunder was performing really well, which proves that this format is a good start – it ensures broad reach and also allows you to understand how to optimize and scale your campaigns further. 

Our advice here – start with a board reach and average rates. The RON (Run of Network) strategy, where your ads are displayed on numerous websites, is key, since it gives you clear statistics and information about the best-performing zones, which you should whitelist and stick to.”

Pro tips:

  • Metrics that matter: to smartly optimize iGaming campaigns, it’s important to track and consider all the metrics of your campaigns: impressions, clicks, average CPM, CPC, general spend for traffic, amount of leads or resultative conversions, and general profit. Only with a full picture in mind, you can optimize your campaigns in the best possible way and therefore – get more profit. 
  • Targeting tips: pay attention to State and City targeting, as some regions will perform better than others. Also, mind the performance at different times of day and night, since it may vary.
  • Ad formats with proven efficiency: even though Popunder tends to be the main format for iGaming offers, don’t ignore Push and In-Page Push, since they can also bring thousands of FTDs and high payouts to your pockets.
  • Pricing models for success: be open to any pricing models, from CPA Goal to more classic models like SmartCPM/CPM. They can all help you get unique pieces of traffic and extra profit to your campaigns. 
  • Seasonality reminder: and yes, go for iGaming during popular games, like Euro 2024. These days, the traffic spikes are firing on all cylinders! 

As always, PropellerAds has tons of relevant traffic for your iGaming offers. So launch your campaign and don’t miss your profit! 

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