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3 Solid Reasons to Run Campaigns on Weekend

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There’s no doubt the scheduling of your ads can have a huge impact on the performance of your campaign. Because most people take weekends off, it’s common to find marketers that also pause their campaign during Saturday and Sunday to help them extend their budget.

But, thanks to new data we’ve collected from active accounts on our ad network, we’ve found that running weekend campaigns may actually be a great way to boost the performance of your advertising machine.

We’ve touched base with Andrey Veselov, our Sales Team lead, and collected a few tips to help you build a winning weekend campaign.

Why Should You Run Campaigns on Weekends?

There are three main reasons you should opt for a weekend campaign. These are:

Larger Traffic Volumes

According to our statistics, traffic volumes across all industries increased by an average of +10% over the weekend,” says Andrey. While this may vary from one industry to another, consumers tend to have more free time, which translates to higher traffic volumes than business days.

Lower Competition

Andrey also assures that “most advertisers take the weekend off to relax, so it’s common for marketers to pause their campaigns at the end of the week. This results in less competition, which means that your campaigns can grab the best audience at a lower price if they’re active over the weekend.”

At the same time, keep in mind that Saturday and Sunday are also ideal for testing new variations before implementing these changes on a permanent basis.

Higher Engagement

One of the biggest points that all marketers struggle with is engagement. Because consumers have so much free time, they are more likely to interact with your ads during Saturday and Sunday.

We’ve seen conversion rates skyrocket by 5% to 10% just because people have nothing better to do,” says Veselov. “These people are more willing to interact with an ad and see where it takes them, especially for verticals that are highly visual.

Hottest Verticals for Weekend Campaigns

Some of the best industries for a weekend campaign include, but are not limited to:

  • Dating

It’s easy to understand why dating platforms are extremely popular and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. That said, make sure you play with your targeting settings to cover the right demographic for your specific app or site.

  • Sweepstakes

Sweepstakes are also a great idea because consumers are more open to this idea in their free time. Aside from offering an appealing prize, also make sure that the entry process is fast and straightforward.

  • Movies and Streaming

Binging on movies and streaming platforms is one of the great modern pastimes, which makes this industry particularly awesome for weekend campaigns.

  • Gambling

Multiple sports events are happening during weekends: it’s a great opportunity to promote betting and gambling offers!

Up and Coming Industries

While the verticals above are known for performing extremely well during Saturday and Sunday, there are also up-and-coming industries that are set to make a huge splash.

According to Andrey, “gambling platforms, software solutions, and ecommerce are all delivering higher-than-average numbers, so they are setting themselves up as the most exciting industries for weekend campaigns.”

The Big Exception

Even though most folks have these days off, this doesn’t necessarily mean that all verticals can benefit from a weekend campaign. The biggest exceptions are stock markets, financial services, and foreign exchanges that are closed during the weekend.

Want to discuss this, right? Okay. Fine. Just share your thoughts in the comment section below or chat with fellow affiliates on our Telegram chat.


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