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10 Questions for a Media Buyer: Video Interview with Deehan Domingus

10 questions to a media buyer

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Deehan Domingus, a professional media buyer from the Netherlands, used to watch inspiring success stories of affiliate marketers a couple of years ago. Today, he is on the other side of the screen, sharing his own success story with you. 

Deehan started with advertising in social media, but one day, he made a courageous step towards more freedom and variety. He started working with advertising networks, different traffic sources, and even gathered a team of experts to create a Social Sense project.

Moving steadily, our guest used to experiment, analyze, change approaches, and finally – he reached the heights of affiliate marketing. Meet him today and hear his story!

Hot questions discussed 

So, dear readers, don’t miss this interview – it’s your chance to take a look inside the life and career of a real professional. Here are some topics discussed in the video:

  • Deehan’s way from Facebook advertising to PropellerAds and reasons to switch 
  • Reflections on the best verticals to start your affiliate marketing career with 
  • Recommendations on the starting budget (spoiler: no bank robbing needed)
  • Solo affiliate marketing VS work in a team
  • Must-try traffic sources and ad formats 

And more! So check our interview now, enjoy, and don’t forget to leave comments to let us know if you want more similar content.

And don’t forget to share your impressions about our interview with Deehan in PropellerAds’ Telegram chat!


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