Case Studies

Up to 40% ROI for eCommerce Campaigns: Interview with a Marketing Agency Member

40 % roi for e-commerce campaigns.

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Behold, dear readers, today we bring an inspirational mix from one of our partners – Ibrahim, an experienced advertiser and a marketing agency member, who runs profitable eCommerce campaigns with PropellerAds. Not only does he share his achievements, but he also reveals some secrets that will definitely help you improve your approaches to advertising. 

So please enjoy and grab his insightful recommendations revealed below.

Hey Ibrahim! So, you are a real master of eCommerce campaigns! How long have you been using PropellerAds to buy traffic for the brands? 

Hey! I’ve been buying traffic for eCommerce brands for a while – it’s 7 years already!

Wow! And which GEOs do you work with and why?

I’m focused on South East Asia and Europe since my advertisers perform the best there.

Metaverse explained

You stay with our platform for a pretty long time, which is great. What are some of the key advantages that you have found using PropellerAds?

The first thing is the quality of the traffic, of course, plus – the high demand from advertisers and publishers. Also, the platform has a simple and user-friendly UI, which is important for me.

Last, but not least – efficient pricing models, like CPA Goal, SmartCPM, CPM, CPC, and SmartCPC. 

Can you tell us about the biggest challenges that you have faced when using paid media, and how you have overcome them?

First and foremost – it was not easy to find a resource of high-quality traffic, which was successfully solved by PropellerAds. 

Second – some brands wanted to see the URLs, where their products are promoted, which was solved with pre-landers

Third, we also lacked statistical data, which was solved by PropellerAds’ advanced reporting tools and Voluum Tracker

Also, before PropellerAds, we had only Popunder ads as an advertising format, and this was not too much, but luckily, your platform has a wide choice of efficient formats, so now we rely on Push notifications and banner ads. 

And the last issue to highlight – advertisers without S2S tracking, which was also solved by Voluum. 

What types of eCommerce brands have you had the most success buying traffic for?

The most successful are AliExpress, Lazada, and Shopee (Marketplace).

Can you name some of your most effective targeting strategies on PropellerAds?

There are two main strategies I want to share. First, always divide devices and countries when setting up a campaign (mobile/desktop). Second, keep it consistent and choose your campaign type and pricing model according to your goal.

How do you measure the success of your PropellerAds eCommerce campaigns?

It changes every time PropellerAds develops new features and technologies. For example, before the CPA Goal bidding model, I was satisfied with 10-20% ROI, but after it went up to 25%-40% ROI – I was impressed. 

And that is what I love about the PropellerAds platform – it gets better through the years and introduces new opportunities, not to mention, the standards are getting higher and better.

Here, I can share some proof. Check the statistics of the Lazada campaign; the period is one month (March); the first screenshot depicts performance for Vietnam, and the second one is for Thailand.


What are some of the most common mistakes that eCommerce brands make when buying traffic from PropellerAds?

I think these are the most common mistakes:

  • Broad targeting: avoid having 1 campaign for numerous GEOs.

Quick note: Indeed, different GEOs require different approaches, so mixing them all in one can lead to frustrating results. From language to specific creatives, make sure to customize your campaigns for various countries. Plus, remember about the financial side of the issue – low-cost GEOs can gulp your entire budget pretty fast.

  • Mobile and desktop campaigns: it’s also important to divide and adapt campaigns for different devices.
  • Targeting users with old operating system versions. Unfortunately, not all OS versions support eCommerce apps, like the AliExpress application that doesn’t work with Android 4. 
  • Using the same banners created for a specific market to the entire market. For example, if you have English banners done for the Lazada campaign in Thailand, they will hardly work for Singapore and the Philippines.
e-commerce app south east asia
  • Misunderstanding the right hours for a campaign. For example, if you target users from Germany and Canada, suggesting their activity peaks from 9 AM to 6 PM. In that case, the system does not activate the campaign at these specific times according to the Germany or Canada time zone. You need to convert the two time zones to the PropellerAds time zone.

    If PropellerAds’ timezone is GMT 0 and Canada is GMT +2, and you want to target 9 AM to 6 PM, you should set 11 AM to 8 PM (moving the time range by 2 hours).

What advice would you give to other media buyers for eCommerce brands that are considering using PropellerAds to buy traffic?

Start with the CPA Goal model for tests, use the SmartCPM model to get established, and the CPM campaign to conquer the market!

What are your plans?

I started my own company working only with PropellerAds, since I know it’s the best traffic source for my premium advertisers. We’ll continue working!  

What are your predictions for the future of eCommerce?

I have high hopes, since marketing technologies are just getting better and new brands are emerging each day. A lot of advertising opportunities are on the horizon, so consider eCommerce as a vertical of interest. 

indian ecomm creative banner

Thank you, Ibrahim! That was inspiring and valuable. Hope to see more of your stellar case studies soon!

Thanks a lot! 

So, grab Ibrahim’s advice, keep it in mind, and become the hero of our next interview. Good luck with your eCommerce campaigns! 

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