Are you a real traffic monetization pro? Or maybe you’re just an aspiring publisher with some achievements you want to share? Then this Promo is for you!
PropellerAds buys case studies related to traffic monetization: no competition, complete anonymity at the author’s request, and a generous reward, of course.
Hurry up, though! The Promo is on for only three months, starting from 29/09/2022 until 31/12/2022.
Why you should start writing a case study for PropellerAds right now
1) Really attractive prices
Every case study is evaluated individually. The more successful and engaging the case study is, the more we’re ready to pay for it.
The minimum payout is $250, but it’s possible to earn much more!
We don’t set the maximum price, not to limit anyone’s opportunities to get profit.
2) It’s easy
We’re open to discussion and ready to deal with anything stopping you from writing a case study. Don’t want to expose your website? No problem at all! We won’t provide a link to it or publish your name.
Don’t have time to write a perfect copy? We’re ready to prepare it ourselves.
3) No competition
It’s not a contest, so you don’t need to worry that someone will have a better case study than yours and you won’t get paid because of that.
4) You can send an unlimited number of case studies
The more case studies, the more payouts. Go for it!
What the case study price depends on
- #1 Profit
The higher the profit is, the more we will pay. Please note that you’ll need to confirm your revenue with the screenshots of your stats from the publisher dashboard in PropellerAds.
- #2 Content quality
We’re willing to pay more for useful and interesting content. To meet these requirements, it’s desirable for the case study to answer the following questions:
- How to get high CPM / attract high-quality traffic / increase engagement and decrease bounce rate?
- What formats suit best for different website categories? What format combinations show the best results?
Even if your profit isn’t that big yet, you still have all chances to get money for your case study!
How to get paid for the case study
1) The case study or information to create it should be sent by e-mail at
partner @propellerads.com with the subject line ‘Case Study (Publisher)’.
The case study can be written in English, Russian, Portuguese, or Spanish.
2) The case study is evaluated by the PropellerAds team. Our representatives contact the author to agree on the price.
3) You receive money for your case study on your publisher account.
What to include in the case study
- Traffic type that you monetized
- Description of the website content (if available) and its audience
- List of monetization formats used
- Screenshots of your PropellerAds account statistics, website, third-party tools (trackers, analytics, heatmaps), and overall traffic stats to confirm CPM, CTR, REVENUE, and other information you used.
- Email connected to your PropellerAds account (it’s required to transfer payment, and it won’t be publicly accessible)
Optional (it’s not obligatory to include this):
- link to your website
- name and picture of the case study author
- a story about creating & developing your website/business
If you’d like to know in advance if the PropellerAds team can accept your case study and whether you agree with the approximate price, you can send us a short summary instead of the text itself: a link to the website, which monetization format you used, what your profit was and in what period you made it, as well as what else you’re going to tell in the case study.
Based on these data only, the PropellerAds team can tell you the approximate cost of your case study.
This Promo is subject to the Terms. Please carefully read and familiarize yourself with the Terms. By participating in the Promo and/or by submitting a Case Study or information, material, data for this Promo you irrevocably accept and agree with these Terms.