

Our affiliates share how to run sweepstakes CPA offers and make some serious profits. Learn how to drive sweepstakes traffic to maximize your ad campaigns.


Optimization in Action: When Your Campaign Is Not Doing Its Best [Case Study]

We keep sharing the best case studies from our Follow-Along contest. Read how an affiliate managed to optimize his ad campaign and make a profit

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A Complete Beginner: The Very First Affiliate Marketing Campaign [Case Study]

Explore a beginner's journey into affiliate marketing with our insightful case study. Learn strategies and insights for success


Sweepstakes Offer + ProPush Tag: An Easy Way to Get Extra 30% to Your Profit [Case Study]

Read a successful case study from our partner who added Smart Tag from ProPush on a landing page and started earning 30% more with push ads!

smartphone giveaway roi 215%

[Case Study] Sweepstake Offer, Push & Romania (Profit $3827+ROI 215%)

Check out a case study recommended for everyone who works or only starts working with sweepstakes. See how to run sweepstake campaigns


[Case Study] Sweepstakes + Popunder = $ 6 893

A news case study on sweepstakes and popunder with very detailed instructions on settings and optimization, not obvious recommendations and conclusions

Case study -Pin-Submit - portugal

[Case Study] Pin Submit + Portuguese traffic (ROI 137%)

How to make irresistible banners for sweepstake campaigns? One of our affiliates shares his experience on how he launched and scaled a campaign

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