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CPA Goal is now Available on Interstitials

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Manual optimization is for people that can’t access smart tools and algorithms that can do the work for them. But from now on, that’s no longer the case for you. Even if you’re using Interstitials! 

How so? Because the CPA Goal is now available on all PropellerAds formats: Push ads, Popunder ads, and now Interstitials as well! 

The CPA Goal bidding model takes the load off your shoulders. So, leave it to AI to analyze big data and find the best performing audience for the specific purpose of your campaign.

Want to know more about Optimization? Download the Ad Campaign Optimization Guide now

Already using Interstitials? Here’s what you should know

Sure, Interstitials are already great! But do you know what can make them even greater? Having the possibility to set the optimization on auto-pilot. And what is even better, you’re still in control because you can specify the desired conversion price. 

What is the CPA Goal 

Aside from being a bidding model based on CPC format for Interstitials, the CPA Goal is a sophisticated auto-optimization tool. It uses machine learning to analyze big data and predict the traffic segments that are the most performant for your campaigns. 

This bidding model allows you to set the campaign on auto-optimization. It does it by first analyzing similar campaigns’ CPC bids, and then targeting only the good performing zones. This process continues until it reaches a price you set for it – your CPA target value (or Goal).

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Find out everything about getting started and launching campaigns with the CPA Goal

What are the benefits of using the CPA Goal?

#1 Higher Conversion Rate (CR) &  Quality Traffic

The hottest feature of the CPA Goal is that it finds the right traffic for your offer in our system. This way, you gain more time to focus on other important aspects of your campaign, while our system takes care of optimizing its performance.

By doing so, your campaign’s performance will improve, leading to a higher CR, CTR, and implicitly higher ROI. 

In addition, your campaign will only get traffic that matches your target CPA, targeting settings, and traffic segment based on a set of parameters, like GEO, OS, Zone, etc.

#2 More Traffic

Once the campaign starts converting better (bringing higher CR), you’ll start getting more traffic for your campaign. So you should make sure your campaign is converting by properly setting up S2S tracking and all the key elements of your ad campaign.

#3 Cheaper Campaigns

You also get to cut down on your expenses, by excluding the bad performing zones. All while you’re in absolute control of your CPA, setting your wanted price per conversion.

#4 Traffic Volumes Based on Your Conversion Rates

Campaigns are also optimized based on the conversion rate: with a high CR, you will likely get most of the available traffic, based on your CPA Goal. And vice versa, you get less traffic if your CR is low since the system eliminates the traffic slices with no conversions.

Already familiar with the CPA Goal? Read This:

Diversifying your campaigns by using various formats might greatly help improve your profits.

So why not check out our super versatile Interstitials? It can be used on many verticals, and also comes with custom-made skins for all your advertising needs. 

? Interstitials: Brighten Your Campaigns Up with This Ad Format [Benchmarks and stats]

CPA Goal for Interstitials: Best Practices

  • Allow plenty of time (between 2 and 3 days) and money for the testing period. Remember that when you are testing, the fluctuations might go a bit higher, so be prepared financially as well. You could also start with a higher daily limit, and then lower it if needed – this way you’ll get more accurate results.
  • Start by running the first campaign on all zones, and slowly add extra campaigns once the CPA Goal identifies the best performing sources and targeting. Don’t forget to set increased bids to get the most of their traffic.
  • Play with your creatives, and make sure to identify the elements that will most likely attract the shares of traffic that the CPA Goal will identify as the best performing. Don’t forget that Interstitials also come packed with themes, so take your time experimenting with those as well.

Are you in a hurry, and can’t test the Interstitials templates? Check our guide.

“If you have more questions about using CPA Goal on Interstitials, or just feel like chatting, join our Telegram group.


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