[Case study] $2600 on Mobile Offers. Afflift Contest Winner

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Recently, together with our partners Afflift, we’ve organized a mind-blowing Follow Along contest with the biggest prize pool ever.
Our dearest advertisers shared their campaigns and the whole flow — and now we are happy to announce to you the case from the winner — a forum member called Desha. We publish the cut version of this case study here — and you can read the full one on the forum.
With the help of PropellerAds traffic and a couple of additional efficient tools, Desha got fantastic results within a month. Read on to know how he did it — and follow along!
A Word from Luke Kling, affLIFT Founder

“The PropellerAds $10k contest on affLIFT was a huge success and awesome opportunity for our members and community. The affiliate industry needs opportunities like this to keep the doors open to everyone and encourage new affiliates to participate and grow our industry. There is a ton of money to be made, and it’s great to see companies like PropellerAds helping fuel those opportunities!”
About the Case
Desha knows the ropes of running mobile offers — and this time, he also stuck to them. He chose several offers with mobile games having free trial periods from three CPA networks.
Desha’s plan was to test the new GEO and a new CPA network every 10 days — and get the maximum possible profit from every 10-day period. Later, he changed his approach a bit — based on his stats and interim results.
Here are the overall details of the case study:
- Traffic Source: PropellerAds
- Tracking Tool: Bemob
- Affiliate Network: Monetizer, Golden Goose
- Type of Offer: Mobile Gaming
- Offer Payout: Variable
- GEOs: TH, BH, IQ, QA, SA, TH, EG
- Period: 19/05-20/06/2022
Part 1: Monetizer CPA Network, GEO: TH
In the very beginning, Desha decided to opt for the Monetizer CPA network and test Thailand as the campaign’s GEO. He shared the details of his workflow in Monetizer, choosing a pre-lander, and other insights.
Finding an Offer
First, Desha searched for the offers with games, having a free trial period. Success: he found a suitable one very quickly:

Desha liked the pretty impressive CR of the offer, but the offer had a capping, so he decided to look for similar offers.
He went to the Monetizer Insights tab — SnapShot — chose the TH GEO, and requested the last three days’ report. Then he sorted the offers by clicks and looked at only the ones with good eCPM.
Here is what he chose — including the first offer we already mentioned: #4e7c96, #302871, #c7a448, #c278e5, #068efc, and #ebc40d:

Later, he re-checked the #c7a448 offer, and it turned out to have a very small cap — so he decided to refuse it.
So, he had five good offers left to work with — almost ready to go! But first, Desha needed to create a good pre-lander to start a profitable campaign.
Creating and Setting a Pre-lander
Desha searched for various pre-lander options. In the end, he picked a traditional, efficient, and not misleading pre-lander that needed just a couple of additional settings. Here is what Desha did to boost his profits and monetize the maximum of his traffic:
- Set up a Back Button Script. This script works when a user clicks the Back button in their browser. Instead of sending them to a previous page, the script redirects them to another offer. In Desha’s case, it was a Zeydoo Survey offer.
- Added a ProPush Smart Tag. The pre-lander could now send users a request to subscribe to push notifications. This is exactly what you do with ProPush — it pays you for every subscriber or by Revshare, so it’s a great option for additional lazy monetizing.
Setting Up Campaigns
The pre-lander was ready, so it was time to create campaigns for the first GEO. Desha decided to divide the offers into two groups by the Internet connection type:
#068efc,#4e7c96,#302871,#c278e5 | DTAC carrier 3G |
#ebc40d | Wi-Fi |
Overall, he created three campaigns: two for 3G DTAC carriers, in Thai and English, and another one for Wi-FI — only in Thai.
He decided to target only Android devices — based on his previous experience. Here are examples of settings for Android Thai 3G and Android EN:

Campaign Flow: Day 1
The first thing Desha noticed the next day was that the Wi-Fi campaign had a very bad ROI and CR:

He switched it off immediately not to waste time and money. However, 3G campaigns worked well — both Thai and English versions. There was a slight discrepancy between the Bemob tracker and PropellerAds stats, so it caused a small click loss.
However, the overall numbers show that the English campaign had around -25% ROI due to click loss, and the Thai — around -9%. Desha shared with us that his previous Thai campaigns’ click loss caused about -60% ROI — but timely excluding bad zones had now resulted in more inspiring numbers.
And what about the offers — remember we have five of them split into three campaigns? Here are the stats again:

The #4e7c96 offer has been the best so far — but it had a cap, so Desha decided to switch to the #302871, as soon as he reached the cap.
Don’t forget that Desha also collected subscribers at his pre-lander using the ProPush Smart Tag. Here is what he got from this extra monetization — an extra $13 per day without any effort.

Campaign Flow: Days 2-4
To boost his profits, Desha decided to split campaigns into more parts. According to his previous experience, he learned that Facebook and Chrome browsers usually had the best results — and it gave Desha a hint on the new approach. Here is what he did:

And here are the results he got from this simple move (stats from May 20 until May 22):

He found a little discrepancy between his tracker and PropellerAds stats — it led to an overall click loss of $15. Meanwhile, Propush.me kept bringing profits:

So within 2 days, Desha spent $109 + $15 click loss and got the revenue of $113 + $27 from ProPush. It all made a total $16 profit.
Campaign Flow: Days 5-7
The next step Desha made was creating two additional Whitelist campaigns for only the highest converting zones. The results were impressive despite a slight click loss:

And ProPush added a bit to the overall revenue, too:

But Desha also had Zeydoo Trafficback — and it was time to check how it performed:

Not that much of a profit — but, as Desha said himself, ‘$3 is better than nothing’.
So, at this step, Desha has spent $201 + $43 (click loss), got a revenue of $289 from campaigns, $44 from ProPush, and $3 from Zeydoo. The overall profit was $90.
Campaign Flow: Days 8-10
There are only a few days left before Desha would switch to the next CPA network and GEOs. Within these days, he’d been working on blocking particular zones and creating new whitelist campaigns. Besides, he decided to try SmartCPM for the most converting zone and stopped one of the campaigns to try it later with another GEO.
Here are the results from PropellerAds:

And results from ProPush.me:

And Zeydoo:

So, the final profit from the Monetizer CPA network campaigns for the first 10 days was the following: final profit: $121 + $84 + $6 = $211.
Part 2: The Golden Goose CPA Network, GEO: BH, TN, IQ, SA
As was planned before, Desha decided to continue with another network, and it was the Golden Goose. Besides, he wanted to check new GEOs, too. The offer type he looked for remained the same — mobile games with free trials.
He picked four GEOs: BH, TN, IQ, and SA, and found a suitable pre-lander for them. However, the results were not so inspiring:

As he told us, TN and BH could have potential with the right optimization. However, he decided to move further, and not try it this time.
Later, Desha decided to give Golden Goose a second chance. He found a similar offer with a free trial and created a campaign. The ROI was -62% without any optimization, which made Desha think that the offer had the potential.
However, the results were still not really inspiring even after some time passed, so Desha chose not to focus on it much.
Part 3: Back to the Monetizer Network, GEOs: IQ, SA, QA
So, the Golden Goose wasn’t that good. Desha wanted to switch to the third network — just as planned. But then he changed his mind: something more interesting came into his sight. As a result, he went back to Monetizer — and we’ll tell you how and why.
Finding an Offer
We keep telling you that our Telegram Chat is great — and here is one of the proofs. After the first failure with the Golden Goose, Desha found a Telegram bot created by one of the PropellerAds chat participants. This bot sends you the top Monetizer offers within the last three hours — and the offers’ stats.
Checking the bot, Desha suddenly came across three very exciting offers — and decided to continue with them instead of checking out another CPA network. Here is the offers’ main info:
- Vertical: Mobile Games with free trials;
- GEOs: IQ, SA, QA
They did not require creating a new pre-lander — only changing its language to Arabic. So, Desha rushed to his PropellerAds account and created four new campaigns. Here is how he did it:

Based on his previous performance, he excluded iOS from the QA GEO to work exclusively with Android devices when targeting Qatar.
Campaign Flow Day 11-17
And here are the first results — with the IQ GEO apparently on top.

Besides, he kept optimizing his previous TH campaigns from Monetizer — and here are his updated results:

So, the overall cost of traffic was $400 at this point, the revenue was $502, and the overall profit was $102.
By the way, ProPush.me kept bringing profits — here are the stats for the last six days.

And, Zeydoo Trafficback brought an extra $9.
Total profit for days 11-17: $102 + $101 + $9.6 = $212.6
Campaign Flow Day 17-21
Within the next several days, Desha added more GEOs to test. Without further ado, let’s look at the stats for all the campaigns he now had:

To make this table more readable, Desha extracted the most essential information, based on GEOs:

And, don’t forget that we also have ProPush:

And Zeydoo:

So, with the help of Zeydoo and ProPush, the overall profit was $394,5, with an ROI of 69,69%:
Cost | Revenue | Profit | ROI |
$566 | $825 | $ 259 + $120 + $15.5 = $394.5 | 69.69% |
Final Results
Within a month of adding and optimizing campaigns, Desha got a pretty impressive result. Here is the whole profit — including the extra money from ProPush and Zeydoo, sorted by the top profitable GEOs:

And here are more detailed stats from the IQ, the most converting GEO:

The overall monthly profit was $2,660 — and here is a breakdown of profits from ProPush and Zeydoo separately:

In the end, ProPush did a great job for Desha — and brought 24% from the traffic cost. Desha strongly recommends it for all advertisers. As he said —
“If you don’t use ProPush, you might be losing money!”
Zeydoo Trafficback:

To Sum Up
We hope you enjoyed what you’ve just read! By the way, did you know that Desha won $3,000 for sharing this case in the Follow Along contest? As you might guess, it almost covered all his expenses.
Got inspired? We are looking forward to your cases, too — we are ready to pay good money for your expertise!
And, if you have any questions to Desha, want to discuss the case, or share your thoughts —
Welcome to our Telegram chat!