Ad TrendsGuest Expert

5 Automation Tricks You Need To Know To Grow Your Ad Revenue

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For advertisers, automation is no longer just an over-hyped trend and a great conference topic; it is an imperative necessity and a competitive advantage. With permanent changes in the field of affiliate marketing, its trends, and regulations, you would probably go crazy controlling every single metric or KPI. 

This post was prepared by our friends at RedTrack - an all-in-one performance marketing analytics platform.

Instead of managing multiple screens to monitor your ad channels and campaigns, set up an intelligent ad automation system that saves you time and money.

In this article, our friends from RedTrack share insights into the world of ad automation.

What is Automation for Advertisers? 

When we talk about marketing automation, we can find many ways to automate and optimize your results. However, this article primarily focuses on rule-based automation and conversion rate optimization for your paid ad channels. 

Here, we will discuss what you can do with all the conversion data you receive while running ads and how you can turn that insight into a system focused on delivering higher ROI.

PropellerAds - Rule Based Optimization Best Practices

5 Automation Tactics to Use to Boost Revenue 

#1. Optimize the speed of your cost and performance updates 

One of the most critical things in a marketer’s life is the speed with which they receive performance data and, most importantly, cost updates.

The more you invest in your ads, the more important it becomes. Every hour your ads run, and your ad budget is spent, you either lose money on non-performing ads or multiply your resources with successful campaigns!

So, when you choose an ad network or a tracking solution, make sure that you can upgrade your cost update frequency. 

For example, with RedTrack, you can choose to update your costs every 30, 15, or 5 minutes. This allows you to make every dollar of your budget count. If your advertising budget exceeds $10,000 per month, we recommend choosing a 5-minute cost update frequency. With this speed, any rules you set will be more efficient.

#2. Set up rules to pause non-performing campaigns

To test how well your campaign is performing, we recommend developing a set of rules for automated testing that you can apply to each channel or campaign.

These rules are designed to automatically test creatives for you, and if the ad doesn’t bring you conversions and only costs the budget, it will be automatically stopped.

Some of the automation scenarios RedTrack users love: 

Pause ad if X$ spent and below X ROAS  
If CPA is >X, pause the ad

We recommend that you let the campaign run for about 3 days to apply this rule, so you don’t immediately stop a campaign that’s just starting to gain momentum. If you use the RedTrack platform, your ads will be restarted if additional conversions appear later and the KPI is met.

Take a look at how it works at RedTrack: 

Propellerads - RedTrack - Automation

#3. Set up alerts about the most important KPIs 

Another cool tool you can use to automate your campaigns is notifications and alerts. Set up automatic notifications for the most important KPIs you want to monitor. Usually, we are talking about cost spikes. 

If your campaign suddenly starts spending too much money and eating up your budget, it makes the most sense to take a look at it yourself.

With Alerts, you still have control over your ads, but you can rely on timely updates if something goes wrong instead of constantly worrying and checking data.

#4. Adjust bids and budget automatically

If the previous two points were mostly about not losing your ad budget for nothing, this one is more about the fun of scaling your revenue.

Working with bids and budgets can be so tedious; instead, spend some time developing a few rules that will automatically scale your ads.

Some of the scaling rules that RedTrack users like to apply: 
If ROI >X%, increase budget X times
If CPA is < X$, adjust bid 2x

But there are way more KPIs you can use to automate your campaigns. Pick the ones that work best for your niche and vertical.

#5. Change gears manually if needed

As convenient as it is to use fully automated mode (aka setting up rules for every possible scenario), it’s important to be able to take control when you need to. Look for ad network/tracking solutions that allow you to manually pause your campaigns.

For example, RedTrack recently released Manual Campaign management functionality that allows you to pause Facebook, Google, and TikTok ads directly from the RedTrack interface.

So, even if you’re doing a really good job with rule-based automation, it’s still important to stop the ads if you don’t feel like it’s going right.

comunity-based marketing

Final Words

As an advertiser, you won’t be able to significantly boost your revenue without automation tools. Whether it’s push, popunder, or paid channels like Facebook, Google, TikTok, etc., we recommend investing your time in setting up a single system to help you scale your ads.

If you are looking for a reliable solution to help you scale FB, Google, and TikTok

 â€” Check out Advanced Automation by RedTrack. 

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