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Customer Reviews: Do You Need Them? How to Get Some?

Customer Reviews

Are you feeling lost in a sea of competitors in your affiliate marketing journey? Indeed, it can be a bit difficult to stand out and attract the right customers for your products or services. However, one secret weapon that can shift the tides in your favor is customer reviews.

Let’s consider what reviews are for a moment; they aren’t just routine words to praise your offerings. They offer so much more, especially their ability to turn casual window shoppers into loyal and enthusiastic clients. A survey by Power Reviews reveals that over 70% of shoppers actively scout for websites with reviews or ratings before deciding to make a purchase. 

If you’re curious about how to snag those invaluable testimonials as an affiliate marketer, read on. This guide reveals the worth of customer reviews and how they can supercharge your campaigns. 

Why Are Customer Reviews Gold for Affiliate Marketers?

Take the position of a casual window shopper who wants to buy a gadget on Amazon. What’s the first thing you do? Customer reviews! The colored stars the brand provides tell you what people think about the product and perhaps the manufacturer. Now, let’s flip the script into affiliate marketing.

Customer reviews are social proof affiliates must show potential buyers that a product or service is worth their time and money. Interestingly, these testimonials are the digital equivalent of a trusted word-of-mouth recommendation. Even better, they allow you to save up on user acquisition costs

Here’s why they are so vital:

  1. Customer Reviews Build Unshakable Trust

When prospective clients realize that others are pleased with your offerings, their doubts and fears melt away. Other customers’ reviews suggest that your product or service is reliable and effective.

  1. They Create Authenticity and Highlight Your Product’s Value

Affiliate marketing can be a vast digital landscape, but reviews add a human touch to your marketing. They show real experiences and stories that resonate more deeply than generic ad campaigns or promotional content. Consumers’ feedback also highlights specific features that benefit users. These help new prospects understand your product’s value proposition and the problems it can solve.  

  1. Customer Reviews Can Boost Conversions

Authentic customer reviews hold massive power in influencing buying decisions. When potential buyers see genuine feedback from satisfied customers, it builds trust and crushes doubts. A shopper who was once on the fence is now more likely to make a purchase, thanks to the social proof and the positive experiences of others.

Buyers’ feedback doesn’t only validate your product; it also creates a sense of community. As a result, new customers feel confident they’re making the right choice, which ultimately increases your conversion rates.

These are just a few perks of customer reviews to affiliate marketers today. If you’re just starting or a pro seeking more exposure, you must know how to get these golden words from your customers. Let’s see how to do so next!

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How to Ask Customers for Testimonials (Without Sounding Desperate)

To be honest, asking users for testimonials can sometimes feel awkward. Not using the right words or doing so at the wrong time may make you look desperate. But the good news is that you can get those reviews rolling in massively if you do it right.

The trick is to be casual and genuine and ensure the process is convenient. Sounds easy, right? Let’s explore the best ways to do it below:

#1 Identify Happy Customers

Your first mission is to find clients who are already loving your product. They could be long-time users or those who often interact with your social media posts. These individuals are your testimonial jackpot. However, it’s vital to approach them with a friendly message or email.

Here’s a template that can work out (you can tweak it if necessary):

“Hey (customer’s first name, very important)


We noticed you love our (brand/product/service name)! We’re delighted to see that. We’d love to feature your experience as a testimonial on our site. We believe it can help others see the benefits just like you did.


Plus, we’re offering a (discount/freebie) in exchange. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks a ton!”

Simple, fun, and casual. You can tweak that and see those clients hit you back as soon as possible!

#2 Make The Review Template Simple

Time is money, and no one (even your best repeat customers) wants to spend ages writing a review. Offer a few prompts to make it easier for them. You can introduce questions such as:

  • What made you purchase (product name)?
  • What problem did it solve for you?
  • How has it made your life easier, and for how long?

With this tactic, your customers can provide you with that killer review without making them feel like they’re the best-selling author of a 500-page novel.

#3 Offer an Incentive

Everyone works better with a little motivation. Serge Abramov, professional media buyer, is assured that discounts, free products, and other freebies can give your clients that extra nudge to write an inspirational review.  In fact, about 90% of consumers actively source and use a coupon or discount code.

Everyone is on the lookout for a good deal. So, turn it to your advantage by offering something special: you reward your clients, and, in return, you get valuable testimonials to boost credibility. It could be a limited-time offer or a small incentive on their next purchase. The goal is to create a win-win situation that will bring value to you and your clients. 

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How To Get Product Reviews and Endorsements From Experts

Regarding building trust, nothing beats a glowing endorsement from industry experts. These influencers carry serious weight! When they praise your product, you can bet potential customers will notice and take action.

So, how do you get them to vouch for you? Here are three easy ways:

#1 Build a Relationship First

Experts lead busy lives, and asking for a testimonial right off the bat isn’t the way to go. Instead, focus on building a genuine relationship. Start by following their content on social media. You can like, comment, and share their insights to show you’re truly interested in what they say. 

Over time, as you engage consistently, you’ll get on their radar. When the moment feels right, offer them your product for free. This thoughtful gesture goes beyond grabbing attention. You show respect for their expertise and give them a firsthand experience that might inspire an authentic review.

#2 Highlight Your Product’s True Value

Experts are more likely to offer a testimonial if they genuinely see the value in your product. You want to show them how your product can benefit them or their audience. So, make that crystal clear when you have that influencer’s attention.

Now, they may not get the idea from the start, and that’s fine. So, offering a short, personalized demo can be a game-changer. Show them exactly how your product solves real problems, and you’ll increase the chances of earning their authentic endorsement.

#3 Collaborate for Stronger Endorsements

Another great way to earn an expert’s testimonial is through collaboration. This will take a conscious effort on your part as well. Partner up on a project, blogger or social media influencer, whose activity is somehow relevant to your offer.

Say, you work with iGaming? Try to collaborate with sports bloggers. eCommerce? Lifestyle influencers can be your partners. By working together, you build rapport, and you allow them to see just how professional you are in what you do.

When your target influencer sees your dedication and passion, it makes it easier for them to endorse your product without stress. Plus, collaborations pave the way for authentic and natural recommendations you may not find elsewhere. 

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How To Use Customer Reviews to Boost Your Affiliate Marketing

Now that you have those juicy reviews, it’s time to use them to supercharge your campaign efforts. Here are a few handy tips for an excellent outcome:

#1 Add Reviews Section to Your Landing Page

Remember to create a dedicated testimonial section on your landing page. This is where all your reviews will live and be displayed to the public. If any, integrate customer pictures, videos, or screenshots into this section. Social proof is what you need.


💡Pro Tip: Experiment with different formats – this might be an imbed from Facebook or reviews designed in the style of your landing page. See what works best for your audience. 

#2 Sprinkle the Reviews Everywhere

Why stop at just one section when you can spread the love? While not being overly dramatic, you can add testimonials to your:

  • Landing page, which will give that extra push to visitors on the fence.
  • Checkout page, where users will be prompted to complete their orders without abandoning their carts.
  • Emails or newsletters (if you use them) to grab the attention of new users or long-time clients.
  • Social media pages, where you can share short quotes or video reviews to attract a wider audience. Meta Stories or Twitter Threads can prove beneficial.

💡Pro Tip: Use compelling design elements to highlight testimonials. Make them stand out without overwhelming other important sections.

#3 Run Review Ads

Do you want to run ads for your product? Use reviews! Potential buyers love reading what others have to say. Let your ads feature honest feedback to increase your offerings’ trustworthiness. Also, if the review identifies your customer’s specific pain points, they’ll be moved to make a purchase.

Incorporating real reviews into your ads builds credibility and adds a personal touch that resonates with potential customers. Plus, highlighting how your product solved problems for others encourages prospects to see it as the solution they’ve been looking for.

💡Pro Tip: You can introduce a mix of positive and neutral reviews to present a balanced view of your product. As you show the 5-star ratings, a 3- or 4-star review isn’t bad either. It further builds trust with potential customers.

#4 Leverage Negative Feedback 

Many affiliate marketers face certain situations when promoting their offers on a social media platform, and users start writing negative comments under their ads. This can be especially difficult, yet it can be turned into strength. 

As Serge Abramov says, “particularly affiliate marketers can stumble at this problem, since their promoted product might have been already advertised by other affiliates before. Chances are that some customers were not satisfied with the product, and we have noticed that these users can leave negative feedback under your social media ads even if they bought the same product from someone else. Well, in this case, to avoid embarrassing situations, make sure that you check carefully what exactly you are going to promote and make sure that this product or brand doesn’t have a bad reputation.”

Also, do you have to… delete negative feedback? Serge also claims that such a strategy is not very good. Start by openly addressing concerns and showing potential buyers you’re ready to listen and grow. Plus, when visitors see that you handle criticism professionally, it boosts your credibility. People appreciate honesty. Therefore, embrace those tough testimonials and use them to strengthen your brand.

💡Pro Tip: When responding to negative feedback, see it as an opportunity to educate customers on how the product has evolved or how you’re addressing those issues. 

#5 Test and Optimize Your Reviews

Continuously evaluate your testimonial’s effectiveness. Experiment with different formats or placements to see what works best. Then, employ affiliate marketing tracking tools to note how these reviews influence your conversion rates.

Don’t forget to regularly refresh your testimonials with new customer feedback to keep them relevant. Highlight recent success stories and adapt your messaging to current trends or audience preferences.

💡Pro Tip: Be open to making changes regarding your review display strategy. What works today might need adjustment tomorrow.

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Embrace The Secret Sauce to Affiliate Success and Leverage PropellerAds

Reviews in affiliate marketing are proof that what you’re selling works. They give potential buyers the confidence to make that purchase, knowing that others have done so and loved the results. Gathering and using testimonials from customers and experts builds trust and a business that thrives on genuine social proof.

So, get those reviews and watch your affiliate marketing game hit the next level! As you embrace this tactic, Propeller Ads can help you grow your traffic. Join us now and explore our best ad formats that can push your products to your audience faster.

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