Case Studies

New Badges for Push Notifications: 2 Successful Campaigns with CTRs Boosted by 20% & 38% [Case Study]

Push badges new feature

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Recently, PropellerAds launched a brand new feature – Badges for Android Push notifications. These are small graphic icons for your creatives and they were born to help gain more user engagement, beat the competition, and get more traffic. Our partners already launch campaigns with Badges, and guess what?

Their CTRs skyrocket by 20% and even 38%! And no effort – they just add Badges to creatives, run some tests, and improve campaign performance in a couple of clicks. 

We have two such cases to share in today’s post, so let’s dive into the details!

What are Badges from PropellerAds? 

As we have already mentioned, Badges are small icons added to your creatives. They are suitable for classic Android notifications, so keep that in mind when choosing the ad format. 

You can find Badges in your PropellerAds account in the Create Campaign section. And this is how they look:


As you can see, they are thematic and most of them can be added to match the vertical of your offer. For instance:

  • Info – News, Utilities or eCommerce
  • Camera – Dating and Entertainment 
  • Play – Entertainment, Media, Games, and iGaming
  • Security Warning – Utilities, Software or Insurance
  • Monetization – Finance, Sweepstakes, Cryptocurrency
  • Verified – any vertical, but mostly Finance, Utilities and Software, Cryptocurrency, Sweepstakes
  • Good – Utilities, Software, Finance, and Insurance
  • Like – any vertical, but mostly Dating, Media and Games

Actually, there are more Badges to enjoy – we have 30+ of them! But you have already grasped the principle, right? 

Now Autobadges are available in PropellerAds. If you are not sure which Badge to choose, let the system pick the most relevant, niche-specific and CTR-boosting one. Our AI-algorithms consider the experience of other advertisers and know which Badges work best with particular verticals and offer types. Now you can rely on our smart technologies and save your time!


From our partners’ experience, Badges have a really huge potential when it comes to boosting campaign performance. Now let’s move to the practical part of our case study and see how exactly they work. 

Offer #1: Sports case study details 

First of all, we will describe the basic details of our partner’s offer. Please meet:

  • Vertical: Sports
  • Campaign period: 22nd of March 2022 – 1st of April 2022

Here is a landing page:


As you can see, this offer requires registration for a bonus, so the landing page is pretty standard. The good thing: registration form is very short: just name and contacts are required. Indeed, a short form increases your chances of conversion – people are less likely to skip them.  

Our partner also used a classical push notification that informs a user about a chance to get a special offer, similar to this one:

Sweet classics, neat creatives with appealing text – is there something better for your campaign? Well, to make things work, you also need precise targeting settings and we are going to discuss them further.

Campaign settings: Targeting 

Now let’s move to the targeting settings behind this campaign. Here they are:

GEO: ?? South Africa (ZA)
Format: Push notifications 
Platform: Android, mobile 
Bidding model: CPA Goal

Our partner picked smart targeting combinations – CPA Goal + Push notifications and ZA + Android. According to our inner tests and namely – this case study, such settings have all chances to bring significant income. 

Campaign optimization and statistics 

In this campaign, six creatives with different Badges and one with a Default Badge (Chrome symbol) were tested. The aim was to see which ones perform the best.

Here are the stats:


So, the creative without any Badges is called Default. Bounce, Swipe, and Cash Badges perform significantly better, as we can see from the numbers. For instance, the most successful one is Bounce and it shows 1,269 conversions and 1.23% CTR compared to 17 conversions and 0.63% CTR for the Default banner. 

Another important thing we noticed about Badges is the way they maximize results when you work with the Low and Medium Activity cohorts of users. Namely, Badges renew creatives and make them look more appealing. No wonder – users react more actively and convert much better when they see something fresh. 

Here is a hint – the Low Activity cohort of users is really huge, which is your chance to get a significant amount of cheap traffic. With Badges, you might get more money from this segment of users – they really have a potential to boost your ROI. 

Offer #2: Finance case study details 

We have another successful case study to share with you. So, Badges strike again, and let’s see how efficient they are. 

  • Vertical: Finance
  • Campaign period: 23rd of March 2022 – 1st of April 2022

Let’s take a look at the pre-lander:


This one a thematic Sweepstakes pre-lander used for the Finance offer, which is a rather wise idea. Indeed, users interested in Finance offer are seeking for an opportunity to earn some money, so Sweepstakes pre-lander is extremely relevant. 

The landing page is a simple Survey:


Leadgen aka Survey CPA Offers: Definition, Advantages, Best Verticals

There are two especially efficient things about this landing page. First, it doesn’t require significant time and effort – users just press the buttons, they don’t even have to write anything. Second, there is a block with reactions and comments below. Such blocks add reliability, which is especially important for Finance offers.

Indeed, where there is money involved, you need to do your best and reassure users that they can trust you. 

And now check the creative:


This one is a Default banner, as you can see, it doesn’t have any Badges added. In general, our partner used six different Badges for this campaign. Just like in the previous case, his aim was to run a test and decide which performed the best.

You will see them all in the stats screenshot below, but as an example here is creative with the Cart Badge (spoiler – it was the most successful one):


We will show you the numbers for every used Badge very soon, so continue reading – the most interesting part is still ahead!

Campaign settings: Targeting 

And here are the targeting settings: 

GEO: ?? Brazil (BR)
Format: Push notifications 
Platform: Android, mobile 
Bidding model: CPA Goal

Again, our partner chose matching GEO and platform, plus – CPA Goal, the most efficient pricing model at PropellerAds. Follow the principles of our successful case studies (don’t copy them, but try something similar) and build smart combinations for your own campaign, too! 

Campaign optimization and statistics 

Finally, we move to the juiciest part of our second case study – statistics. As in the previous case, we will show you all the Badges used for a campaign and the way they performed: 


In this case, we can see that most Badges perform better than a Default banner. The most profitable Badge in this campaign is Cart. It performed better than Default in terms of CR and CTR – by 38% and 50% accordingly. 

Results and insights 

And now let’s sum things up. So, here are the conclusions and recommendations:

  • Badges have a great potential to boost your CTR and CR 

As we already mentioned before, Bounce Badge performed by 50% better than a default banner without a custom badge. Most conversions also belong to this Badge. 

  • Badges work great for Medium and Low user activity cohorts

According to our inner tests, if you want to breathe life into your campaign and engage more users from Low and Medium cohorts, Badges will definitely help. Users pay attention to the new icons because they are tired of familiar and same-type banners. This makes Badges a cost-effective feature that allows you to get more cash without excessive spending. Pay less – get more!

  • Test different Badges to see which one works best for your campaign 

As we can see from stats, three of six Badges brought really striking results. To find out which one is suitable for your campaign, you should test them and make conclusions from the results. 

  • Badges can give a competitive advantage to your campaign

Considering the higher CTR ensured by most of the tested Badges, they are able to bring you more traffic. Our traffic delivery system considers campaigns with high CTR as interesting for users. As such, you have all chances to gain the benefits when it comes to traffic delivery without any additional spending. 

Therefore, you can have all chances to beat competition and reach better results.

Badges are your chance to renew creatives and jazz up your visitors, which is especially great for old and less-active ones. Just give them a try and see how your campaign performance improves in one simple move! 

Have you already tried Badges? Discuss the new feature in the comment section below or join our Telegram chat!


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