
320 Free Icons for Your Push Notifications: Ready Packs for the Top Verticals

ready icons pack

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Media buyers spend plenty of time converting creatives and testing them. Or, on the contrary — some just go on with the same burnt-out Push creatives.

PropellerAds solved this problem for you: meet our FREE & ready 320 icon pack for your push notification ad campaigns.

With our pack, you will:

  • Launch your push campaigns quicker
  • Skip the part of playing around with creatives
  • Test different icons within a couple of clicks

The pack contains icons for the top verticals you run with PropellerAds Push ads:

All the icons were created by our seasoned designers under the guidance of professional media buyers — and are approved by our legal department.

How to start using the icons

  1. Press the Download the Icons button below
  2. Unzip the archives
  3. Select a folder with the vertical you want
  4. Copy the icon you like and add it to your Push campaign creative

And, don’t forget about our materials on Push Notifications and creative ideas for them:

propellerads-push-guide-banner image


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