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Where to Find Affiliate Marketing Jobs?


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So you’ve read several affiliate marketing guides, registered at CPA networks, and even tried running some offers. Or you are just a couple of steps away from beginning your career — but don’t know how to start. 

Or maybe you are already a seasoned professional?
The good news is you don’t need to walk alone anyway: affiliate marketer teams looking for new members are always around. But where to find one — and become its part?

How Do Affiliate Marketers Work?

First, what are these affiliate marketing teams, and what do they do? In fact, there are two ways how you can work in the industry.

Solo Advertisers

It’s a hard level for the most experienced ones… or, on the contrary, the first step for beginners. The thing is that affiliate marketing implies knowing and doing much more than finding the best GEOs and formats. 

You can definitely succeed on your own — but as your business grows, you might need more members, too.

Dima Riccione, Rich Media Team Owner: In my experience, growing your own team from scratch is extremely hard today: you need to be a real genius to do it, know an incredibly big number of hacks, and have a significant budget.

Affiliate Marketing Teams

So, your alternative option is to join a team. What are they like?

  • There are independent affiliate marketing teams — like if you were a solo advertiser and then scaled your business to do more tasks and make more money. 
  • Besides, there are media buying teams working within CPA networks: they run CPA offers of their networks and share the profit.

As you might guess, an affiliate marketing team doesn’t consist of several people doing the same: running traffic to offers. What is more, a large media buying company can have several teams, including the ones not directly related to traffic: developers, designers, landing page copywriters, etc.

Still, a team responsible exactly for traffic can have the following roles:

  • Team Lead – responsible for all team processes and coordination
  • Senior/Middle Affiliate Marketers/Media Buyers – this is what you look exactly for when you want to work with traffic. In this position, you find profitable offers, monitor and optimize campaigns, and run traffic using all methods you know.
  • Junior Affiliate Marketer/Affiliate Marketer Assistant – a person who does some easier tasks related to affiliate campaigns. For example, your duties might include monitoring campaigns’ performance and closing the ones that don’t profit.
  • Social Account Assistant – a person who is responsible for creating multiple accounts in social networks to promote products and services. A pretty routine job that doesn’t require much skill but a good starting point for climbing your career ladder.

Required Skills and Experience

It’s pretty obvious with a solo advertiser job: you have plenty of educational sources and tools on hand — including our PropellerAds network and blog, by the way. 

But how to become a part of a team? 

Before you even start seeking a team to join, you might ask yourself: am I skilled enough? Well, we have good news: many teams don’t need you to be the most experienced advertiser in the world. 

So, there are two specialist types that teams usually hire.


There are teams that will be happy to invite you even if you haven’t ever run a single offer. 

Dima Riccione: The industry is still quite new and fresh — and doesn’t have a large knowledge base so far. Thanks to this, it’s often enough that you have energy, enthusiasm, and fast-learning skills — so starting your path without any experience is more than possible.

However, it’s pretty unlikely that someone will immediately hire you for the position of an affiliate marketer.

The teams willing to employ novices usually offer the lowest positions, like creating accounts or media buyer assistant. In the future, you can get bumped up to the next level.

Here is an example of a job advertisement for a beginner affiliate marketer from Jooble.org:


To sum up – you will need to:

  • Have a basic knowledge of how affiliate marketing works
  • Have a big enthusiasm for the affiliate marketing industry
  • Have basic PC skills and English language
  • Be ready to learn fast and efficiently
  • Think out of the box and strive to bring fresh ideas

Experienced professionals

If you are skilled enough, you can try to apply for a more serious position. Of course, your enthusiasm won’t be enough in this case. 

Most Team Leads and HRs say the same thing: you will most likely need to share your case studies and prove your soft skills, too. Be ready for an interview and some test tasks.

Rich Media Team Recruiter: when we hire media buyers, we usually ask candidates to show their stats for the last 2-3 months and also speak about their overall experience and daily budgets. But, we also check if a person is responsible, communicative, and versatile – they must be a member of a team, after all, so soft skills matter as well.

Here is an example of a job advertisement for an experienced affiliate marketer from Jooble.org:


To sum up – you will need:

  • Have experience with various affiliate marketing tools, including automation software
  • Know how to work with graphic and video-editing software
  • Know how to manage large budgets
  • Have successful case studies, sometimes — in a particular vertical
  • Sometimes – have recommendations from trusted people in the industry

Where to Find Jobs? 

We asked several HRs and affiliate marketing Team Leads to find out: where are the gold mines of jobs? Here is what they shared with us.

  • Job Websites

In fact, affiliate marketing jobs are not really different from the other ones. They are always available on job websites, for junior and senior marketers.

Note: The position of an affiliate marketer has various names — it can depend on how a particular team calls this role. So, try also searching the following: Media Buyer/Traffic Manager/Affiliate Marketing Manager/Ad Buyer

So, try looking at some job sites like Jooble.org/Upwork.com/Indeed.com

  • Facebook

Desha, Affiliate Marketer, and the Afflift Forum Contest Winner, said:  

I recommend Facebook — it’s the best to search for jobs.

So, it’s a good idea to join some Facebook Groups related to affiliate marketing: you can not only find vacancies there but also offer your services, too.

  • LinkedIn

Ettore Spinelli, the PropellerAds partner, highly recommended LinkedIn.  Besides, he mentioned International People Solutions — an HR agency, which mainly hires for jobs in the affiliate marketing space, and almost worldwide.

By the way, Ettore writes for our blog, too!

  • Recommendations and personal contacts

Denis Kharlamov, XLeads Team Owner, told us that he sometimes hires people upon recommendations from his trusted partners — for example, after some training courses organized by respectable teams or agencies.

So, what we recommend is to be active in various affiliate marketing forums or Telegram channels. Here are some:



And, of course, it’s high time to network at PropellerAds Telegram Channel!

Still, be careful if you want to take some courses: not all of them are useful, and it might be better to opt for personal consultancies instead. It’s also a great way of getting some knowledge and useful contacts for your future career.

A tip from Ettore Spinelli: I personally don’t recommend courses — there are full of free materials on the Internet, and I hear too many people say, “I’ve spent X on the Y course, but I didn’t learn anything, and I still can’t make anything work”. 


Oh, finally! Why even bother with all this if it doesn’t bring money, right? Let’s see what you can expect.

According to our research, most teams don’t offer a maximum salary. Instead, you have a KPI to perform — and a bonus part. So, it all depends on how you can manage campaigns.

One of the traditional salary agreements between a team and an affiliate marketer is a fixed salary plus some percentage of the campaign’s profit and extra monetization. Sometimes, it can be only revenue share, without any fixed rates. Usually, there is no salary cap — your earnings depend on how much profit you make within campaigns.

For example, the XLeads team offers 20%-40% of the campaign’s profit and 50% of extra monetization.

Timur Sharipov, Affiliate Marketing Team Lead: media buyers’ income depends on the net profit they brought to a team. So, monthly earnings can vary from zero, if your campaigns didn’t convert, or reach like $20,000 — if you found top hot rocking bundles.

And, as a bonus, here are some job posts with salary examples:

To Sum Up

Many experienced affiliate marketers claim it’s hard to work alone — and growing your own team is even harder. When you join a team, you usually get access to bigger budgets and more exclusive offers — plus decent profits and constant support!

PropellerAds does its best to send you relevant leads — no matter how and who you work with. We have solo advertisers and big media buying teams — both successful when they know how to run campaigns!


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