TAG: India

Articles found: 13

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indian ecomm creative banner
App Marketing

How to Get 13,740 Installs of an ECommerce App for India in a Month [Case Study]

Our partner shared a case study with big profits: read how to make the eCommerce app offer for India convert. Tips from PropellerAds inside!

finance vertical in India

The Financial Vertical in India [+ Case Study on Conversion Tracking that Boosts Results]

What's the Finance vertical like in India? We prepared a detailed overview and a real case study from one of our advertisers

India and utilities
Case Studies

India + Utilities Case Study: Updated Creatives Bring 40,000 Impressions 

Read this utilities case study from our partner who managed to get 40000 impressions for his Indian campaign. Find out how did that!

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Case Studies

Success Story: How Not to Give Up After First Weak Results

A case study about how we helped Stashfin, who’s all about providing quick online loans to Indian people, to get more traffic and conversions

media buying trends
Media Buying

Go Bright: Holi Festival and Media Buying Trends

Holi festival is a great time to launch a campaign. How to prepare? Which offer to choose? How to make your creatives strike?

PropellerAds - AdTech New Delhi - meet us image

Ad:tech New Delhi 2023 – Talk to the Top Traffic Supplier

Meet PropellerAds Team at Ad:Tech New Delhi. Let's discuss Push Notification and Popunder traffic and auto-optimization tools

indian post-pandemic trends 2023 podcast

Propeller On Air: Post-Pandemic Trends in India

PropellerAds is on air again! In this podcast we are going to talk about affiliate marketing in India: trends, insights, and myths, of course

PropellerAds - New office in India
Our News

Around the World: PropellerAds Opens New Office in India

Our new offices in Bangalore are already up and running, which we set up in the “Silicon Valley” of India, the majestic city of Bangalore

PropellerAds - IAS22 banner

Back At It Again: PropellerAds is Attending the India Affiliate Summit 2022!

That's right! You can come meet the PropellerAds team in beautiful India, at the India Affiliate Summit, 2022. We've got plenty of surprizes ready for you!

Indian affiliate market PDF

Affiliate Review: India. The audience, Stats, Creatives [FREE PDF]

Read all about the Indian audience, and get a first-hand look at the affiliate stats and best creative practices. All in this Free India Review PDF

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