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Tom Hooker

While working as a writer and marketing consultant for the past 9 years, Tom has also developed a passion for the world of affiliate marketing. With first-hand experience and a solid background in online marketing, he has a deep understanding of the different ad formats, offers, and other elements that affect the performance of an affiliate campaign. Tom also loves backpacking around tropical countries, listening to the boom-bap sound of old school hip-hop, and playing amateur rugby with his local team.

ad fraud
Affiliate Marketing

Not-So-Smooth Criminals: Fighting Ad Fraud

Fraudsters come in all shapes and sizes. They employ a huge variety of channels and techniques to extract funds from regular businesses

PropellerAds_Gaming offers
Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Insider: 3 Steps to Finding a Superb Gaming Offer

Games offers come in all shapes, sizes, and layouts, but all great proposals tend to share a set of characteristics. Wonder what are they?

native banners ad locations

Where to Place Native Banners On Your Website?

The positioning of your ad will determine how many people interact with it. And the more people click on the ads on your page, the more money you get

replace ssl certificate

Confused About Google Chrome’s HTTPS and Symantec Regulations? Here’s What Publishers Need to Know

We will go over the Chrome’s new HTTPS and Symantec-related regulations, explain why the tech giant has decided to make these changes

Biggest_Misleading scandals

Expensive Lying Habits: Top 5 Misleading and False Advertising Scandals

Want to learn how much misleading customers can cost? Here are 5 of the most memorable false advertising scandals that cost these brands millions of dollars.

PropellerAds - The state of mobile gaming
Industry News

The State of Mobile Gaming: A Closer Look for Affiliates

In this article, we’ll discuss the current state of mobile gaming, go over the most popular platforms, and look at the future of the industry according to the current t...

native ads don't work
Interstitial Ads

The Reasons Why Your Native Ads Aren’t Working [Hint: Your Creatives]

One image is worth a thousand words and, when it comes to Native ads, it's an absolute must to have a catchy creative. Actually, science can help us with that


Bidding and Budgeting: How to Set the Right Bid for Your Paid Ads Campaign

In this article, we’ll go over the basics of the bidding model, the different structures available, and give you tips to effectively manage your budget.

Industry News

AdTech News Digest | Fraud on Google Play, EU Rejects Copyright Payout Law, Facebook Blocking the Wrong Ads

In this news digest, we’ll take a look at the app marketing, the value of the augmented reality market, the EU’s rejection of the copyright payout proposal


A Complete Intro to APIs and How They Are Used in Affiliate Marketing

Unlock the power of APIs in affiliate marketing. Learn how they streamline processes, optimize campaigns, and boost revenue. Dive in now!

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