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We’ve launched a new Support Desk!

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Providing you with the professional and reliable support is extremely important to us, that is why we have launched an exciting new support desk designed to allow us to be certain that each and every one of your questions is answered as quickly as possible.

The main features of the new Support Desk are:

Support Desk New Features
1) Integrated Knowledge Base, where you can find answers to common questions regarding our services and illustrated step-by-step tutorials.
2) Completely new Ticketing System, with ability to track your requests statuses and history.

  • Any existing ticket can be easily updated with additional information.
  • Attachments are supported and can be uploaded with your request.
  • Track your support request by clicking a targeted link in notification email.

We’d love to hear any feedback you may have regarding this new support system, so please do not hesitate to get in touch via Comments or our social profiles on Facebook and Twitter.


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